This repository takes care of running Marinade's process scoring Solana validators.
The directory scoring
contains results of scoring runs along with reports.
Several pipelines are defined here, see their flow in the graph attached below:
flowchart TB
subgraph scheduler [ ]
direction TB
scheduler_a[Scheduler pipeline] -->|fa:fa-clock every 15 minutes| scheduler_b
scheduler_b[Fetch epoch & repository status] --> scheduler_c
scheduler_c{Is this epoch scored?}
scheduler_c -->|No| scheduler_d[Trigger scoring pipeline]
scheduler_c -->|Yes| scheduler_e[noop]
subgraph scoring [ ]
direction TB
scoring_a[Scoring pipeline] -->scoring_b
scoring_b[Fetch input data] -->scoring_c
scoring_c[Generate scores] -->scoring_d
scoring_d[Generate report & summary] -->scoring_e
scoring_e[Create PR]
subgraph publish [ ]
direction TB
publish_a[Score publisher pipeline] -->publish_b
publish_b[Publish scoring to DS API] -->publish_c
publish_c[Publish scoring on-chain] -->publish_d
publish_d[Emergency unstake] -->publish_e
publish_e(( ))
scheduler_d -->scoring_a
scoring_e -->|PR approved and merged| publish_a