This is a basic example project that demonstrates how to structure a Spring Boot application using the principles of clean architecture.
This project is structured according to the principles of clean architecture, with clear separation of concerns between the various layers of the application. The project includes a simple example use case to demonstrate how the different layers interact with each other.
To get started with this project, simply clone the repository and open it in your preferred Java IDE. The project includes a Maven pom.xml file, so you can import it into your IDE as a Maven project.
This project is structured according to the principles of clean architecture, with the following layers:
- Infrastructure: This layer contains the implementation details of the application, such as database access and external API clients.
- Use case: This layer contains the use cases of the application, as well as any business logic that is specific to the application.
- Domain: This layer contains the core business logic of the application, as well as the entities and value objects that make up the application's domain.
This project includes a simple example use case to demonstrate how the different layers of the application interact with each other.
Contributions are always welcome! If you find a bug or would like to suggest a new feature, please open an issue and describe your idea. If you would like to contribute code, please fork the repository and create a new branch for your changes. When you're ready, submit a pull request and we will review your changes.