This Docstring is for the
MyFirstLibrary is an example library for Robot Framework.
It shall demonstrate the steps to publish a library to PyPi.
Those steps include:
- Setting up the GitHub Repository
- Creating a new Python package and implementing the library
- Managing your dependencies
- Creating and running Unit Tests and Acceptance Tests
- Documenting your library
- Publishing your library to PyPi
- Using Tasks and GitHub Actions to automate your work
If you already have Python >= 3.8 with pip installed, you can simply run:
pip install --upgrade robotframework-myfirstlibrary
Some examples how to import and use the library.
*** Settings ***
Library MyFirstLibrary
*** Variables ***
${TESTDATA} ${CURDIR}/testdata
*** Test Cases ***
Image Should Contain Face
Should Contain A Face ${TESTDATA}/faces.png
Image Should Not Contain A Face
Should Not Contain A Face ${TESTDATA}/no_faces.jpg