A php based invoice notification system
1. Php
2. MySQL
3. Web Browser [Chrome prefered]
Step 1: Use the database files in sample Database folder to generate Database
also change the database cnnectivity authentication details in file db_connect.php
Step 2[optional] : Run include sql commands to generate the sample Database
Step 3: Copy the folder to the server and run index.php in web browser.
Step 1: [SignUp] Register 2 or more users at index.html
1. Username : "[email protected]" , Password : "qwertyuiop"
2. Username : "[email protected]" , Password : "qwertyuiop"
3. Username : "[email protected]" , Password : "qwertyuiop"
4. Username : "[email protected]" , Password : "qwertyuiop"
[Login] Login a users at index.html and you will be moved to dashboard.php
Summary : data-validation is done by login_signup.js and data is send to login_check.php and signup.php
respectively for database checks of users existance and to make entry in case of signup.
[About Dashboard] This page [Dashboard] has 3 parts.
1. Recieved Invoices
1.1 Notifications you have not responded yet.
1.1.1 Take Accept or reject action and add a small message.
1.2 Notifications you have already responded.
1.2.1 Can View the message you wrote to the sender.
2. Create invoice form.
2.1 A form to fill up all informations for a invoice
2.2 Sender is the person already logged in.
2.3 Reciever should be register else will show a warning
2.4 A Sender can add upto 5 items in the invoice.
3. Send Invoices
3.1 Shows up all the sent notifications.
3.2 Show accepted, rejected or pending as current invoice status.
Step 2: [Create Invoice] Create Invoice fom the form given and send it to registered users (including yourself).
Click on Send Invoice to send the invoice.
Refesh the page to check your database.
Step 3: Login to a different user (the one you have send the invoice.
As you login You will see the notifications
You can take action on the Recieved Invoices and also leave a message
Step 4 : Dynamically Generate PDF Clicking on the Invoice ID.