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Releases: mam-dev/debianized-sentry

Upstream release 9.1.2

23 Jul 09:04
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Upstream release 9.1.1

07 May 14:07
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This is the last planned 9.x release before major backend changes with v10.

Installation was tested, service comes up with the login form – more testing was not done!

See for more.

New upstream release v9.0

26 Nov 13:42
Choose a tag to compare (9.0.0-1~jessie) jessie; urgency=medium

Juergen Hermann [email protected] Tue, 26 Jun 2018 11:18:09 +0200

File name and dependency fixes

21 Dec 13:12
Choose a tag to compare (8.22.0-2~jessie) jessie; urgency=medium

  • Fix: Keep old locations of crontab and default files
  • Fix: Use "Suggests" for related services to avoid default auto-install

Juergen Hermann [email protected] Thu, 21 Dec 2017 13:45:35 +0100

v8.22.0 upstream update, and renaming to ""

20 Dec 15:26
Choose a tag to compare (8.22.0-1~jessie) jessie; urgency=medium

Juergen Hermann [email protected] Wed, 20 Dec 2017 15:53:12 +0100

Build clean source tarballs

27 Mar 11:58
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Build clean source tarballs

New upstream 8.14.1

27 Mar 10:38
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sentry (8.14.1-1~jessie)

Version 8.14.1

  • Fixed issues related to migrations failing to finish for 8.14
  • Fixed an issue where Release version names were erronously too
  • Fixed an issue where "New Issues" counts would have all been 0
    for releases created in 8.14.

Version 8.14

  • Added new internal processing interface that supports multiple
    processing steps per stacktrace (for instance JavaScript + native)

  • Add IE10 legacy browser filter

  • Added data migration to merge legacy releases

  • Added support for symbolizing inlined frames and added heuristics
    for fixing up native stacktraces.

  • Removed instruction_offset as a frame attribute from stacktraces

  • [BREAKING] Quotas must now instantiate RateLimited and NotRateLimited
    return values.

  • [BREAKING] Redis quota implementations now return BasicRedisQuota
    instead of tuples.

  • Commits using the Fixes SHORTID annotation will now be tracked

  • Release functionality is now detected at a project level to enable
    various features.

  • Added basic encryption facilities (sentry.utils.encryption).

  • Added support for "Fixes XXX, YYY" and "Fixes XXX YYY" notations.

  • Added bulk "Resolve in Next Release" to stream actions.

  • Various visual improvements to notifications, including the addition
    of transactions.

  • Plugins can now add tasks that run in sentry as celery workers.

  • Added the ability to verify TLS connections when fetching artifacts.

  • Added data migration to merge environments across an organization

  • Added timesSeen keyword to issue search.

  • Added feature signals, such as first time release tracking is enabled.

  • API: Added OrganizationReleasesEndpoint.

  • API: Added context type app for cocoa events.

  • API: Added assignedTo param to /projects/{org}/{project}/issues/.

  • API: Split out filtered stats onto Inbound Data Filters page

  • API: Added OrganizationReleasesEndpoint

  • API: Added OrganizationReleaseFileEndpoint

  • Schema: Added unique index on Release(organization_id, version)

  • Schema: Removed unique index on Release(project_id, version)

  • Schema: Added GroupCommitResolution model.

  • Schema: Added Environment.organization_id column.

  • Schema: Added EnvironmentProject model.

  • Schema: Added Project.flags column.

  • Schema: Added not null constraint to Environment.organization_id

  • Schema: Removed not null constraint on Environment.project_id
    and ReleaseEnvironment.project_id columns

Clean up /etc/default on purge

27 Mar 09:46
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… and some docs improvements.

Initial Release

23 Feb 16:17
Choose a tag to compare
  • Added official Sentry plugins
  • Added Banno plugins (LDAP + Kafka)
  • Includes systemd units for web/background services
  • Optional auto-migration on upgrades