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MakeOpenSource Operating System

The major goal of this project is to recreate some of the functionality from a DOS-like operating system.

Objectives (in no particular order)

  • BIOS boot
  • Basic memory initialization
  • PS2 keyboard support (scan code conversion)
  • VGA 40/80 column text mode console
  • Commands (programs)
    • cd
    • pwd
    • ls
    • mkdir
    • rm
    • cp
    • clear (C-L)
    • man
    • vi
    • ed


For contributing fork this repository and then make your changes in the form of Pull Requests to the main repository

Building and running


  • make
  • qemu (specifically qemu-system-x86) on debian based systems you can install this with the apt package manager
  • gcc
  • nasm
  • clang-format
  • WSL (Windows only)

For MacOS

Use homebrew to install the dependencies using these commands:

brew install x86_64-elf-binutils x86_64-elf-gcc nasm binutils qemu

If you are on Apple Silicon, you will need to use Rosetta along with installing x86_64 libraries. This can be done by prefixing the previous commands with arch -x86_64.

You will need to ensure that these programs are on your PATH or make will not find them.


  • just run make in the root directory of the project


  • run make qemu in the root directory of the project


  • run make qemu-gdb in the root directory of the project
  • run make qemu-gdb-boot in the root directory for debugging the bootloader

Running in DEBUG mode

  • run make qemu DEBUG=true in the root directory of the project


  • run make format in the root directory of the project to format the code according to the formatter in .clang-format

General behavior

boot and immediately drop to a prompt. programs can be executed from the prompt. send signals by keyboard to do ✨stuff✨.



  • When you run make and you get an error along the lines of /usr/bin/ld: cannot find crt1.o: No such file or directory you likely only have the gcc for your current architecture that is 64bit. You need the 32bit support files. For that you can install them on debian based machines with sudo apt install gcc-multilib