The following project construct the compiler for “Mini PHP” language similar to the PHP but with fewer constructs.
- lexicalpart.l contains the code for Lexical Phase.
- syntaxpart.y contains the code for Syntax Phase.
- source.txt contains the input passed to the Program for validation purposes.
- token.txt contains the tokens in <TokenType, Lemexe> format.
Following Commands are used to run above files:
flex lexicalpart.l # This command will generate 'lex.yy.c' file.
bison -d syntaxpart.y # This command will produce '' and '' file.
gcc lex.yy.c # This command will produce 'a' executable file.
a # This command will print the tokens in 'token.txt' file as <TokenType, Lemexe> format.
Important Note:
This Project only completes the follwings:
- Implementation of Lexical Analysis Phase.
- Implementation of Syntax Analysis Phase
This Project does not completes the follwings:
- Implementation of Symbol table manager(Register variables)
- Applying Semantic actions to evaluate expressions.
- Error report