This plugin allow you to clean abandoned lands
# If bank balance and cashback should be send to the owner when a land is remove
send-bank-balance-and-cashback-to-owner-when-land-deleted: false
log-sent-to-player-that-started-cleaning: true
log-sent-to-console: true
log-format: '&7[&ccleanclaims&7] &f- %s'
# If the land own strictly more than this amount it won't be removed
max-number-of-chunks: 2
# If one of the trusted member (including the owner) has join the server in the latest seconds of the amount defined here the land won't be removed
min-seconds-with-last-join: 2628000
display the help
/cleanclaims retrieve-queue
Iterate over all lands to know which one should be removed and add them in a queue (
/cleanclaims check-queue
Once retrieve-queue has been done, display the list of all lands that are in the queue (
/cleanclaims clean-queue
Once retrieve-queue has been done, delete all the lands in the queue (
/cleanclaims retrieve-queue-and-clean
Command retrieve-queue and clean-queue in one (