Generates a list of publications with collapsible inline abstracts from an ADS library and renders them into an HTML template. The publications site lives at, which is served from /srv/www/publications
The XWCL/MagAO-X ADS library is a collection of papers produced by members of the collaboration, and can be found here: Anyone can add a publication to it, just tell @logan-pearce the email you used for your ADS account.
If you want to attach slides or a poster PDF to a publication:
- clone this repository
- make a new folder under
named with the ADS bibcode of the abstract it should attach to - place your files in that folder, named as you want them to appear on the site. (e.g.
becomes a download button with the label "manuscript") - (optional) compress oversized PDFs, see below
- add the files to git, commit, and push
The file in .github/workflows/build.yml defines a workflow (like the magao-x/handbook one) that builds the final pages and copies them into place on the host.
Pushing new changes triggers an update of the public-facing website. Since changes to the library on ADS don't automatically trigger updates, this workflow also runs nightly at 03:51 UTC.
You will need to export two environment variables:
export ADS_API_TOKEN=yourtoken
export ADS_LIBRARY_ID=EctrgCz4QjagJOiSxQlAXg
where yourtoken
is replaced with the token available here:
Once you have exported these, type make
to build the site into the output/
directory (creating it if necessary).
This also creates a self-contained Python environment in pyenv/
which contains the dependencies of this script.
If you have gs
(GhostScript) installed you can shrink PDF file sizes dramatically with this command:
gs -sDEVICE=pdfwrite -dCompatibilityLevel=1.4 -dPDFSETTINGS=/ebook -dNOPAUSE -dQUIET -dBATCH -sOutputFile=output.pdf input.pdf
Where input.pdf
is the file to shrink, and output.pdf
will be created by GhostScript. This turned a 35.6 MB PDF from PowerPoint into a 2.1 MB file with minimal loss in quality.