A bunch of idiomatic, small General Purpose tools.
See the Scaladoc here
import com.twitter.conversions.time._
val duration1 = 1.second
val duration2 = 2.minutes
duration1.inMillis // => 1000L
import com.twitter.conversions.storage._
val amount = 8.megabytes
amount.inBytes // => 8192L
amount.inGigabytes // => 0.0078125
A Non-actor re-implementation of Scala Futures.
import com.twitter.util.{Future, Promise}
val f = new Promise[Int]
val g = f map { result => result + 1 }
g.get(1.second) // => This blocks for the futures result (and eventually returns 2)
// Another option:
g respond { result =>
println(result) // => prints "2"
// Using for expressions:
val xFuture = Future(1)
val yFuture = Future(2)
for (
x <- xFuture
y <- yFuture
) {
println(x + y) // => prints "3"
The LruMap is an LRU with a maximum size passed in. If the map is full it expires items in FIFO order. Reading a value will move an item to the top of the stack.
import com.twitter.util.LruMap
val f = new LruMap[Key, Value](15) // this is of type mutable.Map[Key, Value]
import com.twitter.util.MapMaker
val map = MapMaker[Key, Value] { config =>
} // this is of type mutable.Map[Key, Value]
The pool order is FIFO
val queue = new mutable.Queue[Int] ++ List(1, 2, 3)
val pool = new SimplePool(queue)
// Note that the pool returns Futures, it doesn't block on exhaustion.
pool.reserve()() mustEqual 1
pool.reserve { item =>
println(item) // prints "2"
Here is a pool of even-number generators. It stores 4 numbers at a time:
val pool = new FactoryPool[Int](4) {
var count = 0
def makeItem() = { count += 1; Future(count) }
def isHealthy(i: Int) = i % 2 == 0
It checks the health when you successfully reserve an object (i.e., when the Future yields).
Dynamically evaluates Scala strings and files.
This is motivated by the desire to have a type-safe alternative to textual configuration formats such as YAML, JSON, or .properties files. Its advantages over these text formats are
- Strong typing and compiler checking. If it doesn't compile and doesn't conform to the type you expect, you get an exception
- The full power of Scala in your config. You don't have to use it. But you can.
import com.xxx.MyConfig
new MyConfig {
val myValue = 1
val myTime = 2.seconds
val myStorage = 14.kilobytes
import com.xxx.MyConfig
val config = Eval[MyConfig](new File("config/Development.scala"))
We use Semantic Versioning for published artifacts.