"AS_ENDPOINT": "https://account-dev.gluu.cloud",
"AS_SSA": "ey...1BfBZQ0g",
"AS_CLIENT_ID": "b71618...de21995120",
"AS_CLIENT_SECRET": "52b9...9c505",
"AS_REDIRECT_URI": "https://account-dev.gluu.cloud/.well-known/openid-configuration",
"PORTAL_JWKS": "https://account-dev.gluu.cloud/jans-auth/restv1/jwks",
"PASSWURD_KEY_A_KEYSTORE": "/etc/certs/passwurd_api.pkcs12",
"PASSWURD_API_URL": "https://cloud-dev.gluu.cloud/scan/passwurd",
"ORG_ID": "github:m...ena"
Display appropriate error messages - https://github.com/GluuFederation/private/issues/3674
Org_id - issue - JanssenProject/jans#5787
OTP flow, replace with real flow
Unable to add config to the project - https://github.com/GluuFederation/private/issues/3580
- Users already exist.
- OTP for all users is 1234.
- Wrong OTP will give error
- During enrollment, each enrollment can have different values of password
- Suppose the password for a user is user123, the API validates user123456 as well typed using the same pattern