Little nifty feature for Quicktime Player that lets you export movie as HEVC (H.265). Exports either full movie or just a sample defined by user (start - based on current playback position, duration - entered by user). Exported movie is optimized for Quicktime Player.
works only for OS X / macOS with the following installed:
- Quicktime Player
- Terminal
- ffmpeg
download file "Export as HEVC optimized.scpt" from this repository and place it in the following folder "/Users/your username/Library/Scripts/Applications/Quicktime Player"
make sure you have ffmpeg installed with HEVC encode library. If not, the simplest way is using homebrew in Terminal (brew install ffmpeg). Or google "install ffmpeg"
open movie in Quicktime Player move to playback position where you want to start the gif from in OS menu, click scripts icon and choose "Export as HEVC optimized" (if you don't see the script icon open Script, go to preferences and check "Show scripts icon in menu") Follow the dialogs and enter the values
- output movie is saved in the chosen directory
The script summons all variables and sends it to ffmpeg as follows: ffmpeg -ss $start -t $duration -i $inputFile -vcodec libx265 -crf 20 -tag:v hvc1 -preset fast $outputFile
1.0 Start - stable version