Releases: madgrizzle/WebControl
Last Release (Sort of)
We've are now nearly done migrating to the new WebControl CNC organizations. This will be the last release on this repository. All issues should be posted to the new repo:
This release includes all 'experimental' changes and will look to the new repo for future releases.
Experimental Release: Migration to WebControlCNC Organization
This release includes a small change to the pause command processing to allow a gcode-initiated pause to be resumed. But more importantly, this release redirects updates to the new WebControl CNC github organization repository. This repo will only stay up as long as necessary to facilitate the transfer over to the new repo. Using a github organization facilitates more community involvement and control so I don't become a bottleneck.
This is an experimental release to make sure everything works. If it does, it will be remade as a stable release and will be the last release from this repo.