Code under src/ include:
- SAGES protobuf demo/SDK code and phase segmentation model training, following the SAGES video annotation workshop, Houston, 2020.
- Under the Poemnet folder - the code and examples in order to perform the analyses in our paper "Automated operative phase identification in peroral endoscopic myotomy", DOI 10.1007/s00464-020-07833-9.
The [src] containts SAIIL_public demo/SDK code for SAGES protobuf standard. The demo includes:
- Converter from cholec80 data to protobuf for phases and tools.
- The training of a phase segmentation network based on this data. The network has an Resnet18 visual model and LSTM temporal model.
In addition under the Poemnet directory -- the directory contains the code and examples in order to perform the analyses in our paper "Automated operative phase identification in peroral endoscopic myotomy", DOI 10.1007/s00464-020-07833-9:
- Segment annotation (anvil) files.
- Supporting statistics code.
cd ~
git clone git@github-personal:SAIIL/SAIIL_public.git
- Install cuda as needed - we assume cuda 10.0, Ubuntu 18.04.
- Set environment variable for repository location: We assume
export SAIIL_PUBLIC=~/SAIIL_public
- Install miniconda from
- Install conda environment:
conda env create -f ${SAIIL_PUBLIC}/src/env.saiil.yml -n saiil
cd ${SAIIL_PUBLIC}/src
pip -e install ./
protoc --python_out=./ ./data_interface/sages.proto
- Download Cholec80 from the Cholec80 website at Uni. of Strasbourg.
- Convert the Cholec80 data using the following command:
python ${SAIIL_PUBLIC}/src/data_interface/ ${SAIIL_PUBLIC}/data/annotations/cholec80_protobuf/ --phase-folder ${SAIIL_PUBLIC}/data/cholec80/phase_annotations -v --tool-folder ${SAIIL_PUBLIC}/data/cholec80/tool_annotations
- Split the protobuf annotation file in train and test subsets (train: video01 - video40, test: video41 - 80). Or you can find the split annotations in the link.
sh ./phase_net/
(Verify that the folder names match your repository clone, and that you have compiled the protobuf, and downloaded/converted cholec80 data to protobuf)
The code includes a phase classification network with:
- Resnet-finetuned visual model.
- LSTM temporal model.
- Pytorch dataset/loader based on the protobufs defined in the SAGES 20' video/data annotation workshop in Houston.
The main training script is under src/phase_net/
Once the training is started, the associated training/validation statistics (including tensorboard) will be in your './lightning_logs'
title={Aggregating long-term context for learning laparoscopic and robot-assisted surgical workflows},
author={Ban, Yutong and Rosman, Guy and Ward, Thomas and Hashimoto, Daniel and Kondo, Taisei and Iwaki, Hidekazu and Meireles, Ozanan and Rus, Daniela},
booktitle={2021 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA)},