This repository contains the supporting code for my Medium article, The ultimate reference for clean Pandas code.
In just one brief Jupyter notebook, I use the Twitter API v2 to scrape tweets of US Senators (117th Congress) and clean them in Pandas using method chaining and pipes. The result is a curated collection of clean Pandas methods that I use on a daily basis to clean, investigate, aggregate, and analyze text data.
# Let's clean some tweets!
tweets_df = (
.filter(["created_at", "id", "full_text", "user.screen_name"]) # Keep only relevant columns
.assign(id=tweets_raw_df["id"].astype(str), # Convert id to string
created_at=tweets_raw_df["created_at"].apply(pd.to_datetime), # Convert datetime to timestamp with Pandas method
text=tweets_raw_df["full_text"].apply(p.clean).str.replace("&", "and "), # Clean tweets using preprocessor and replace & with "and "
text_length=tweets_raw_df["full_text"].apply(len)) # Calculate length of tweets
.merge(usernames_df[["username", "party"]], left_on="user.screen_name", right_on="username") # Merge with usernames_df to get politcal affiliations # Get usernames, party affiliations
.drop(columns=["username"]) # Drop extra username column added after merge
.drop_duplicates(["text"]) # Drop duplicate tweets
.rename({"user.screen_name": "username"}, axis=1) # Rename columns
.sort_values(by="created_at", ascending=False) # Sort tweets by date
.reindex(columns=["created_at", "id", "username", "text", "text_length", "party"]) # Reorder columns
.reset_index(drop=True) # Reset index
.query('text_length > 0') # Remove rows with empty tweets