Structure is a framework for writing big scores in Lilypond. Structure provides the infrastructure to easily put together big multi-movement, multi-part scores.
- Automatic scores.
- Automatic part-extraction.
- Automatic staff groups and staff ordering.
- Define multiple "editions" with separate score and part settings.
- Perform partial compilation for faster editing cycles.
Structure is a work-in-progress.
Install using lyp:
$ lyp install structure
\require "structure"
\cd "aria"
% global context - put tempo, key, meter, other structure here
\global { \tempo "Adagio assai"
\key c \minor
\time 4/4
s1*1 \bar "|." }
% define parts, in whatever order (following is the first bar of Bach's BWV 12)
\part "oboe" \relative c' { d'4 ~ d32( d e fis g16 a32 bes) fis4\trill ~ fis16( g32 fis e g fis a64 g) }
\part "violino2" \relative c' { aes'16( g) f( g) aes8 r g16( f) e( f) g8 r }
\part "violino1" \relative c' { c'16( bes) aes( bes) c8 r bes16( aes) g( aes) bes8 r }
\part "viola1" \relative c' { f8( f) c( c) g' g e e }
\part "viola2" \relative c' { aes8( aes) f( f) b b g g }
\part "continuo" \relative c { f,4 r g r }
% get a nice score, with proper staff groups and staff ordering
\make-score "aria"
More documentation to be added shortly.