Code used in my paper, Alcorn+ submitted
I have included code to make most of my plots, as well as my code to examine my recovery rates for input kinematics, and do analysis of my kinematics. I have not, however, included code from HELA (Heidelberg Emission Line Algorithm), which belongs to Dr. C.M. Straatman. Those wishing to use this code are encouraged to contact its developer. HELA was what I used to measure kinematics on my data and on my simulated dataset from GBKFIT, and is brilliantly written.
I am not all that great at coding, so if you use my code, use at your own discretion, but use as you wish, you have my permission to do pretty much anything with it, just please reference me if you are using something original of mine. If you notice errors, I appreciate issues/pull requests. I am working on coding clearly/better every day.
I name all my code after songs I was listening to a lot while working on the code, or that remind me of the purpose of the code. I also include a fair number of swears for my variables and functions, depending on how annoyed I was while writing. Be warned if you are not into that kind of thing.