Theme site for LG 2021.
You will need Node, along with npm
, which comes
installed with it, so please install these before continuing.
After cloning this repo, first install the necessary packages (will take a while)
npm install
Then you can run
npm start
to show the website on your local machine. The website should be available at
by default, and open it in your default browser tab. If not,
just navigate to that web address by typing it into your browser.
Our live site will be hosted on the gh-pages
branch, to separate the development code from the production code. To deploy, run
npm run deploy
: any sort of binary should go here, images, fonts, 3d modelspublic/
: any file we want copied to our final webpagesrc/
: all of the code lives herecomponents/
: js components used by the pagestyles/
: where all the css (we are using SASS) livesApp.js
: the main js entrypoint (besidesindex.js
: constants for the projectindex.js
: don't touch this unless you have a good reason to
: transpiling definitions.eslintrc
: styling definitions
is not a drive and doesn't perform well with big files, so if possible, try to upload images/gifs/videos elsewhere. An exception is fonts since they are used site-wide.- Unless absolutely necessary, try to use the compressed image version vs the non-lossy version, e.g. use JPEG instead of PNG. This is because network requests are generally very long and can slow down the site.
If you are familiar with Github desktop, then go ahead and use that.
Otherwise, if you're ok with doing some terminal operations, read ahead...
git pull
Branches are like versions of the repo. To navigate to different branches, run:
git checkout branch_name
For example, if someone had a branch called main_animation
, then I would run git checkout main_animation
You can just delete your repo and clone a new copy of the repo.
This is because git
doesn't want to override your changes. What you want to do is:
- Save your changes:
git stash
- Update your repo:
git pull
- Reapply your "stashed away" changes:
git stash pop
- You might get some merge conflicts, so make sure to fix those before you commit.
- [] for iridescence texture
- [] Sprat Type font used on the site