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Endpoint Tester

Allows the user to write test scenarios for Google Cloud Endpoints using a combination of yaml and json files.


List of required system dependencies:

  • gcc
  • libffi-dev
  • libssl-dev
  • python-dev
  • python-pip

On Debian based distribution you can use the following command as root to install these dependencies: apt-get install gcc libffi-dev libssl-dev python-dev python-pip.

Then you can install the python dependencies with: pip install -r requirements.txt.


The basic usage can be found by running the script with a -h option.

usage: [-h] [--auth AUTH_CONFIG_FILE] [-X] [SCENARIO_FILE]

Endpoint tester

positional arguments:
  SCENARIO_FILE         The path to the scenario file

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
                        The configuration file containg authentication
  -X                    Stop at the first error

The script has one mandatory argument (the scenario file) and another optional (authentication configuration file). In the following, we will use the urlshortener API from Google.


The scenario file has to be in yaml format. The possible keys are:

  • name: the name of the scenario.
  • service: describes the service on which you'd like to run the test (see Service)
  • setup: a list of commands to execute before running scenario (see Setup)
  • import: include and execute other test case(s). (see Import)
  • commands: the list of commands to be executed (see Commands)


Three keys are required api, version and the discovery_url. For the urlshortener example we have:

    api: "urlshortener"
    version: "v1"
    discovery_url: ""


Setup files can contain only commands instructions. These instructions will be executed before current scenario. Here is how to include theses files :

    - myfolder/setupfile.yaml
    - otherfolder/othersetup.yaml

These setup files are perfect to initialize test cases, for example loading data.


Files imported will be executed inside current scenario. It works like setup files, excepted that all files will be interpreted, using their own service, setup, import and commands. They will be executed after setup and before commands of main scenario.

A common use case is to run again a test file with a different setup, without rewriting all test case. You can ommit commands if you set import entries.


The commands are defined in a list form. Each list entry has a mandatory key being the endpoint to be called and some optional keys:

  • save_result: saves the result of this endpoint. Its value is the name used to reference it (see Save)
  • export_result: saves the result to a file, its value is the file name.
  • print_result: outputs the result of this endpoint execution to stdout (see Print)
  • print_body: outputs the body sent to the endpoint to stdout (see Print)
  • check_result: checks that the result respect the given pattern. If a json file is given, reads it and uses it to check (see Check)
  • check_code: checks the return code form the endpoint. (see HTTP code)
  • check_message: checks the return error message. (see Check)
  • check_order: check if a values in a list are correctly sorted. (see Sort order)
  • repeat: recalls the endpoint following a set of conditions. (see Repeat)
  • description: a short description of the test case.
  • eval_expr: evaluate a python expression after the execution of the test case. (see Misc)
  • pre_eval_expr: evaluate a python expression prior to the execution of the test case. (see Misc)
  • post_delay: wait for an amount of time before launching the next command.
  • hooks: execute a shell script before and/or after a command. (see Hooks)

Suppose we have the following urlshortener example:

  - url.insert:
      body: { "longUrl" : "" }
    print_result: !expr id
    save_result: compressed
  - url.get:
      shortUrl: !expr
    print_result: true
    check_result: {"longUrl" : "#r#" }

The first command calls the endpoint url.insert with the argument body. When the body value is a python dictionary, its value is parsed as Json. Otherwise, it is considered as a Json file name and its content is used in the request. Next, we'd like to print the result of the command, when the print_result value is a string preceded by !expr, its value is parsed as a JsonPath expression. Finaly, we save the result as compressed for later use.

The second command calls the endpoint url.get with the argument shortUrl. When an argument, other than body, is a string preceded by !expr, its value is evaluated as a JsonPath expression and applied on the saved results. Here, we try to reference the id from compressed, the result of the previous command. Next, we print the result, if the command print_result is true, we print the whole Json response. Then we call check_result with an expression being a Json object. The value of longUrl is preceded by #r# to say that the value is a regular expression, which checks if the url ends with a / or not. For more details on these commands see Check.

To call an endpoint without arguments, do not put the : after its name. For instance:

  - my.endpoint
    print_result: true

Note: you can ommit commands if you set import entries.


The option save_result takes as argument the name of the result that can be used later. The results are stored in a dictionary. Therefore, any reuse of that name in the save_result option will overwrite its previous value.


The option print_result takes either a boolean or a jsonpath expression. If the former is given, the script will print the whole json response. If the latter is given, it has to be preceded by a !expr keyword and whatever comes after it is interpreted using the jsonpath library. If this option is given as a list, for example

    - !expr id
    - !expr status

the script prints the commands successively.

To display a property for each item of a list, use as list parameter at the end of the expression. For example:

print_result: !expr items.*.id as list

The option print_body expected a boolean, if true is provided, it will output the JSON body sent to the endpoint once parsed. It displays JSON only if there is a body in command.

print_body: true


The option check_result behaves exactly as the body argument of the commands. The json content is parsed and the script checks that every entry in the check_result json content is in the response. If some data is in the response and not in the json content, no error is raised.

The check_result json content has some additional parameters that can be used to validate that the received response is correct:

Primitive values (String, Boolean, etc)
  • Check that "value" is exactly what was received
"key" : "value"
  • Check that "value" maches (regexp) what was received
"key" : "#r#value"
  • Check that "key" is not set in what was received
"key": nil
  • Empty list means that the result has to be empty
"key" : []
  • Lists starting with "#=<scalar>#" check that there are as many results as expected objects. This example:
"key" : [ "#=2#" ]

Note: you can use inequality operators in place of = :

"key1" : [ "#>=2#" ]
"key2" : [ "#<=2#" ]
"key3" : [ "#<2#" ]
"key4" : [ "#>2#" ]

checks that there are two and only two objects in the list without checking their content.

  • Lists starting with "#+#" check that there is at least one object.
"key" : [ "#+#" ]
  • Lists starting with "#*#" check that the list can contain any number of elements, including empty ones.
"key" : [ "#*#" ]
  • Lists starting with "#PATTERN#" check that all the entries of the list respect the pattern of the object that follows.
"key" : [ "#PATTERN#", { "key2" : "value", "key3" : "#r#val" }]
  • Lists starting with "#ALL#" check that all the entries of the list respect exactly the pattern of each corresponding object in the list. For instance, the template:
"key" : [ "#ALL#", obj1, obj2]

checks that the result has exactly the two entries obj1 and obj2, the order of these entries is not important.

  • Lists starting with "#ANY#" check that at least one entry of the list respect exactly the pattern of corresponding object. For instance, the template:
"key" : [ "#ANY#", obj1]

checks that one of the result items is exactly obj1.

  • Lists starting with "#MATCH#" check that all the entries of the list respect the pattern of each corresponding object in the list. For instance, the template:
"key" : [ "#MATCH#", { "key2" : "value" }, { "key3" : "#r#val" }]

checks that the result has exactly the two entries, and one result of the list is matching { "key2" : "value" }, and another match { "key3" : "#r#val" } pattern. The order of these entries is not important.

  • Lists starting with #MATCH_ANY# check that at least one entry of the list respect the pattern of corresponding object. For instance, the template:
"key" : [ "#MATCH_ANY#", { "key1" : "value" }]

checks that the result has at least one entry matching { "key1" : "value" }. You can also set several entries. For instance, the template:

"key" : [ "#MATCH_ANY#", { "key1" : "value" }, { "key2" : "#r#val", "key3": false }]

checks that at least one entry is matching { "key1" : "value" } and at least one entry is matching { "key2" : "#r#val", "key3": false }. An item can match several entries.

  • Lists starting with "#NOT_ALL#" check that no entry in the list match a result. For instance, the template:
"key" : [ "#NOT_ALL#", { "key1" : "value1" }, { "key2" : "#r#val", "key3": false } ]

checks that no result is exactly matching { "key1" : "value1" } or { "key2" : "#r#val", "key3": false }. You can provide as many items to check as you want.

  • Lists starting with #NOT_MATCH# check that no result have a pattern matching an entry in the list. For instance, the template:
"key" : [ "#NOT_MATCH#", { "key1" : "value1" }, { "key2" : "#r#val", "key3": false } ]

checks that no result match pattern { "key1" : "value1" } or { "key2" : "#r#val", "key3": false }. If results list is empty, test case will be successful. Sort order of results and entries doesn't matter. You can provide as many items to check as you want.

Sort order

One can also check that values in a list are correctly sorted by using check_order. Specify a criteria and a sort direction. For example:

- my_endpoint:
    - !expr items.*.date as list: desc
    - !expr items.*.name as list: asc

checks that response items are sorted by date desc and by name asc. If there are multiple criteria, the second (and following) criteria is used in case of equality for the first criteria.

HTTP code

One can also check the HTTP code returned by the endpoint by using check_code. By default it checks that the endpoint returns 200. To check the return error message, use check_message, a good combination can be:

    - my.endpoint
      check_code: 404
      check_message: "ENDPOINT_NOT_FOUND"


You can use repeat to call an endpoint repeatedly, the structure of the command is as follow

  - my.endpoint
      mode: until|while|loop (default: while)
      delay: <float> (default: 1)
      max: <int> (default: 5)
        code: <int> (default: 200)
        message: <str> (default: no message)
        expression: <str> (python expression)
        raise_exception: <bool> (default: false)
  • mode, specify how to repeat the call
    • a while mode means that if all the conditions are true we repeat
    • an until mode means that we repeat the calls as long as the conditions are false
    • a loop mode means that we repeat the call exactly a given number of times (defined by max parameter)
  • delay, the time to wait between the calls
  • max, the maximum number of retries, set it to 0 for unlimited
  • conditions, contain the conditions to check
    • code, check the return code of the endpoint

    • message, check the return error message of the endpoint

    • expression, a python expression just like eval_expr, its return has to be boolean. It has access to result and saved_results. For example

      expression: expr('result.key') == 'value'

      It can also be a list of expressions:

        - expr('result.key') == expr('previous.key') # check that result['key'] == saved_results['previous']['key']
        - not expr('result.key2') # negate the value of result['key']

      If a previous saved_results value is named result, then it will be overriden.

Endpoints calls will continue to run while/until conditions are satisfied, and wait for it. To raise an exception if condition is not satisfied, set raise_exception flag to true.


You can execute a shell script before and after a scenario execution using hooks.

In order to do this you must include a hooks rule in your scenario :


The setup script will be executed before the scenario starts and the teardown script will be execute after the scenario starts. You can use these commands to initialize and reset your test environment.

You can also set hooks for a single command, they will be executed before and after the command execution.


If you want to evaluate an expression before the endpoint is executed, then pre_eval_expr is here for you. For example:

  - my.endpoint
    save_result: res
  - my.other_endpoint
    save_result: other_res
  - my.last_endpoint:
      body: res
    pre_eval_expr: body['my_key'] = expr('other_res.key[0]')

the last endpoint call will modify the body right before the call. Notice that we used a jsonpath expression on the right-hand side, expr() let you do that. You can use any python expression, so this can be dangerous. If you want to access the saved values without using a jsonpath expression use the dictionary self.output_results, hence the expression expr('other_res.key[0]') amounts to saved_results['other_res']['key'][0]. This can be useful if you want to handle cases not supported by jsonpath. You can modify only body and access only saved_results and body itself.

You can also use eval_expr to evaluate an expression after the execution of an endpoint. This can be useful if you want your changes to be used by all the other endpoints. The previous example becomes:

  - my.other_endpoint
    save_result: other_res
  - my.endpoint
    save_result: res
    eval_expr: result['my_key'] = saved_results['other_res']['key'][0]
  - my.last_endpoint:
      body: res

The output of an endpoint is called result, any modification to it will be saved. Beware that eval_expr let you modify only result, and let you access only saved_results and result itself.


To use services that require authentication, you have to call the script with --auth=config.yaml where config.yaml is a file containing the key auth as in:

  email: "[email protected]"
  client_secret: "/path/to/secrete/key.pem"
  client_id: "[email protected]"
      - ""

To override global configuration for one test case, you can set :

- my.endpoint:
      email: "[email protected]"

with same parameters as auth.yaml.

If you want to execute one test case without authentication, you can set:

- my.endpoint:
    auth: null

See Getting Started with Google Tasks API on Google App Engine for more details.


Url shortener

Running the scenario:

#name of the test
name: Test Shortened urls

# service information
    api: "urlshortener"
    version: "v1"
    discovery_url: ""

# this section is not used by the script, but can be helpful for the commands
websites : &w01 ""
websites : &w02 ""

# the commands
  - url.insert:
      body: {"longUrl" : *w01}
    print_result: !expr id
    save_result: compressed_1
    check_result: {
                    # the urlshortener service adds a '/' at the end
                    "longUrl" : *w02

  - url.insert:
      body: {"longUrl" : *w02}
    print_result: true
    save_result: compressed_2
    check_result: {
                    # this should have the same id as the previous one
                    "id" : !expr,
                    "longUrl" : *w02

  - url.insert:
      body: {"longUrl" : *w02}
    print_result: true
    save_result: compressed_2
    check_result: {
                    # make it fail!
                    "longUrl" : "aaa"

  - url.get:
      shortUrl: !expr
    print_result: true
    check_result: {
                    "longUrl" : "#r#http[s]?://"


Running scenario Test Shortened urls

Executing : url.insert
Done in 40ms

Content of id:

 $.longUrl   DONE

Executing : url.insert
Done in 32ms

Result JSON:
    "kind": "urlshortener#url",
    "id": "",
    "longUrl": ""

 $   DONE

Executing : url.insert
Done in 33ms

Result JSON:
    "kind": "urlshortener#url",
    "id": "",
    "longUrl": ""

* FAIL :  The result "" does not match "aaa"
* PATH : $.longUrl

 $.longUrl   FAILURE

Executing : url.get
Done in 35ms

Result JSON:
    "status": "OK",
    "kind": "urlshortener#url",
    "id": "",
    "longUrl": ""

 $.longUrl   DONE


Appengine endpoint tester







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