- There are many sensors connected to either Raspberry Pi or Arduino UNO. Those sensors are listening to the real world (temperature, humidity, pressure etc.)
- Everything is being saved in the MySQL database every 3 seconds.
- Data from the MySQL database are shown in the website. Real time values and daily/weekly/monthly charts. You can see how it looks like here: https://i.imgur.com/yXEnd5l.png
- Raspberry Pi 4 for running the server && taking data from sensors
- Arduino UNO for taking data from sensors
- Sensors like BME280, MH-DR raindrops module, etc.(all I2C interface because it's simple)
- MySQL as a database. PHP for manipulating with the database.
- HTML, CSS, JavaScript for showing the data in the browser
- ApexChart library for creating daily/weekly/montly charts
- Crontab for scheduling Linux tasks
I really enjoyed making this project. It was fun to work with so many technologies and face so many challenges. I learned a lot.