PRISMA.jl is a Julia-based software package that generates checklists and flow diagrams for systematic reviews and meta-analyses based on the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses (PRISMA) statement (Page et al., 2021). Its companion web application can also be used by researchers with little to no programming experience looking to report the results from their systematic reviews and meta-analyses with transparency and efficiency: Link coming soon.
If you do not have Julia or a text-editor that supports Julia installed, then you might find this link helpful before getting started.
This simple example shows how a few functions in this package can be used together to create a flow diagram:
# 1. Install the PRIMSA.jl package.
using Pkg; Pkg.add("PRISMA")
# 2. Load the PRISMA package.
using PRISMA
# 3. The flow_diagram_csv() function generates a csv template.
# The path of the template is assigned to the 'data' variable,
# but in most scenarios the template is edited before it is assigned and read.
data = PRISMA.flow_diagram_csv()
# 4. The flow_diagram_read() function reads the csv saved as 'data'
# and turns it into a dataframe and assigns it to 'df'.
df = PRISMA.flow_diagram_read(data)
# 5. The flow_diagram() function turns data frames into
# flow diagrams that show the results of a meta-analysis or systematic review.
figure = PRISMA.flow_diagram(df)
# 6. The flow_diagram_save() function saves the figure and saves
# it in formats supported by Makie.jl, png is the default.
Copyright © 2024 Ceco Elijah Maples
This work is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE
file for details.