NeatWork is a free program specifically fashioned for the design of entirely gravity-driven water distribution networks for rural areas.
This program is developed by the NGO APLV (Agua Para La Vida) and Logilab (University of Geneva). Mosek Solver is graciously made available for the optimization part of the software.
Under no circumstances, including, but not limited to, negligence, shall APLV, Logilab and Mosek be liable for any loss of profits; any incidental, special, exemplary, or consequential damages that results from the access or use of, or the inability to access or use, the materials at the internet site.
Unzip the zip file in a new directory and that's all !
- Files Requirements
- Java Requirements
- Running the program
- Edit with a spreadsheet
neatwork.jar : NeatWork engine.
neatwork.bat : Launcher
.dll : Solver libraries lib/.dll : Solver libraries
NeatWorks needs the Java Virtual Machine 1.5 or above. This restriction may disappear in the future. The most recent Sun JVM can be found at
First : Try to double-click on the JAR file.
If it doesn't work : Use the laucher file neatwork.bat. This script opens a DOS console and runs the command: java -jar NeatWork.jar
In case the user wishes to introduce a new large network, we recommend
to prepare the data on a Excel spreadsheet. Then the transfer of data from
the spreadsheet to NeatWork can be performed by simple cut and paste.
The required format of the spreadsheet can be obtained by exporting
the data of the provided sample network.