Link to the documentation
Client-side Android logging library for
- Use the library as a logger. Everything is forwarded to as JSON documents.
- Custom fields, meta and extra attributes
- Automatic bulk
- Network and battery life optimized
Logmatic-android is a pure android-lib. We release it to the jCenter repository,
so you just have to add the library as dependency as shown below. Edit the
file of your module.
dependencies {
compile 'io.logmatic:android-log:0.1'
You can start the logger whenever you want. The onCreate
method of the main activity is probably
a good choice in order to use logging as soon as possible.
Set your API key, add optional info if needed before build the logger.
Here is an example
public class MainActivity extends AppCompatActivity {
private Logger logger;
protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
// init a new instance using your APIKey
logger = new LoggerBuilder()
// Add extra fields for all events fired to
logger.addField("string","some piece of text");
logger.addField("a_date",new Date());
To log some events, you simply call logger's methods.
// log an event (info)
logger.i("This is a first info event from an android device");
To clearly explain what happens here, in this exact situation where everything is configured as above the Logger send the following JSON content to's API.:
"date": "2016-05-16T13:46:06.338Z",
"appname": "my-application-name",
"severity": "INFO",
"message": "This is a first info event from an android device",
"string": "some piece of text",
"int": 1,
"float": 1.337,
"a_date": "2016-05-16T13:46:05.980Z"
You have the possibility to attach a context to your event. The context object must be serialisable to a JsonObject. The simplest way to use it, is to attach a Map as is illustrated below:
Map<String, Object> context = new HashMap();
context.put("session", getSessionId());
context.put("emails", Arrays.toList("[email protected]", "[email protected]", "[email protected]"));
logger.d("Another event with a context.", context);
The output will be:
"date": "2016-05-16T13:46:06.338Z",
"appname": "my-application-name",
"severity": "DEBUG",
"message": "Another event with a context.",
"emails": ["[email protected]", "[email protected]", "[email protected]"],
"session": "2cf23b5b6a54614c"
The LoggerRegistry
class helps you to reuse the logger in another activity or class.
// Somewhere in your project
// use it if your never set the logger name
private Logger logger = LoggerRegistry.getDefaultLogger();
// or that if you set the name
private Logger logger = LoggerRegistry.getLogger("my-application-name");
You have to build your logger with the LoggerBuilder
helper class.
At minimum, you have to set your API Key.
// init a new instance using your APIKey
logger = new LoggerBuilder()
By default, the lib logs all events to the Logcat leggay logger. You can disable it during the build.
// init a new instance using your APIKey
logger = new LoggerBuilder()
It's the same for the timestamping', our lib adds the field date
to all events.
However, you might be want to disable it for your tests.
// init a new instance using your APIKey
logger = new LoggerBuilder()
As reminder, here are the exhautivie method list offered by the Logmatic-android lib.
Method | Description | Example |
init(api_key) | Initialize the logger with a Logmatic API Key | |
withName() | Set the logger and the application name. This method customize the extra field appname . By default, appname is android |
"appname": "my-application-name" |
disableTimestamping() | Remove the date field from all events |
disableLegacyLogging() | By default, the lib uses Logcat as logger, if the method is called, only logs to are kept |
addField(key, value) | Add and extra field to all events. The value's type will be kept | "key": "value" |
build() | Build a new logger instance with all options set |
Method | Description | Example |
v(message) | Log as verbose with a piece of text | logger.v("my message") |
v(message, object) | Log as verbose with a piece of text and a custom context | logger.v("my message", context) |
d(message) | Log as debug with a piece of text | logger.d("my message") |
d(message, object) | Log as debug with a piece of text and a custom context | logger.d("my message", context) |
i(message) | Log as info with a piece of text | logger.i("my message") |
i(message, object) | Log as info with a piece of text and a custom context | logger.i("my message", context) |
w(message) | Log as warning with a piece of text | logger.w("my message") |
w(message, object) | Log as warning with a piece of text and a custom context | logger.w("my message", context) |
e(message) | Log as error with a piece of text | logger.e("my message") |
e(message, object) | Log as error with a piece of text and a custom context | logger.e("my message", context) |
wtf(message) | Log as error with a piece of text |"my message") |
wtf(message, object) | Log as error with a piece of text and a custom context |"my message", context) |
addField(key, value) | add and extra field to all events. The value's type will be kept | logger.addField("key", 123) |
======= | ||
Send log entries to directly from your Android apps |