#Short intro This project merges and tidies data collected by the project
##Included files
- run_analysis.R - main function to merge and clean data set
- label_decoders.R - utility function for converting Activity values to ActivityNames
- Download and unzip into same directory with these scripts https://d396qusza40orc.cloudfront.net/getdata%2Fprojectfiles%2FUCI%20HAR%20Dataset.zip
- Execute run_analysis.R script from R console by source("./run_analysis.R")
- mergedDataTB - merged data set is returned
- meansStdsTB - data set with only "mean" and "std" columns returned
- tidyTB - tidy data frame is returned
- tidydata.txt - output file including tidyTB data structure with tab delimited fields
Data variables are documented in the CodeBook.md