stack install
lsc -h
replace < gcd_nontd_test.tcl
lsc -dy -llibrary/nangate45/NangateOpenCellLibrary.lef gcd_nan45_nontd.def -odef > legalized.def
replace < gcd_nontd_test.tcl
lsc -dp -llibrary/nangate45/NangateOpenCellLibrary.lef gcd_nan45_nontd.def -odef > placed.def
lsc -l sample/osu035.lef --output=svg sample/map9v3.def > result.svg
stack build --profile && stack exec --profile -- lsc +RTS -xc -RTS
stack build --profile && stack exec --profile -- lsc +RTS -p -hc -RTS
stack test
Pass the argument -j4
for enabling concurrency tests with 4 jobs to run simultaneosly.
stack test --test-arguments -j4
- Fiduccia, et. al. (1982): A Linear-Time Heuristic for Improving Network Partitions 10.1109/dac.1982.1585498
- Alpert, Huang, Kahng (1998): Multilevel Circuit Partitioning, 10.1109/dac.1997.597204
- Pan, Viswanathan, Chu (2005): An efficient and effective detailed placement algorithm 10.1109/iccad.2005.1560039
- Kahng, Markov, Reda (2004): On Legalization of Row-Based Placements 10.1145/988952.989004
- Becher, Deymonnaz, Heiber (2013): Efficient repeat finding via suffix arrays
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