Script that will spin up a bunch of VMs in the OVH cloud and install DC/OS on them.
Configure your ~/.ovh.conf to contain proper credentials
$ cat ~/.ovh.conf
install Python 3 and required Python modules (pip install -r requirements.txt
) then run ./ --help
and set appropriate options.
$ ./ --project SomeOVHCloudProject \
--ssh-key "SomeOVHCloudKey" \
--masters 3 \
--agents 10 \
--pub-agents 2 \
I mainly use this tool for development and quick testing where I spin up a cluster, run some tests and then tear it down. So the default behaviour is to delete the cluster when the script exits. You can override this behaviour using the --no-cleanup
If you're interested in DC/OS independent of the OVH Cloud check the DC/OS Quick Start. The steps described in there are what this Installer runs after initializing the OVH Cloud VMs.