Python CV compiler to replace LaTeX attempts
pyCV will read a source file (examples provided in MASTER_EG) and build your cv, cover letter and reference table as a pdf document.
Source files are formatted with a command starting with // and being the first element on a line. Some commands require arguments, others are optional
Items bounded by {brackets} can be replaced at compile, provided the "replacements" dict is populated (at the bottom of the script) simply add a new item to the dict, where the key is the text in the brackets and the value is the desired text. The coverletter example has this set already, but to add more:
For example, if in your master text you have:
My favourite colour is {favouriteColour}.
A replacement dict of:
replacements = {'favouriteColour':'cyan'}
will produce the formatted text
"My favourite colour is cyan."
gives info to heading used on documents
sets the doctype for the footer
required for pyCV to draw a footer
args unsupported right now, just leave it at "full"
creates a heading with arg text
creates a subheading with arg text
adds the text below as a block of text.
adds the lines below as a bullet pointed list use a new line to separate list elements
adds the lines below as a headed list, separate heading from content with | use a new line to separate list elements formatted as: HEADING: | LIST TEXT
useful for experiences, adds a compound block with info sections and the ability to add text under REQUIRES who(arg) arg = company or bureau what(arg) arg = job/degree title where(arg) arg = location when(arg) arg = date of occurrence
dated blocks also REQUIRE: enddated() used to tell pyCV that you are finshed adding text for the current date block
to add another experience use nextdated() will start a new block
font(AREA) fontname
will update the AREA with fontname. Valid regions for AREA are: bold : Used for headers and titles italic : Used for emphasis text : Used in most places within the document thin : Used for adding contrast to some text fontname must be a valid font file in ./font/ with name fontname.ttf default fonts will be used if this command is not present.
adds arg amount of whitespace. Useful for forcing the format to behave
forces a new page