Creates a living room that you can connect to over HTTP, eventstreams,, and osc!
You can test it out by running npm start
after installing the dependencies with npm install
For a better example with more context, processes and displays, see
For a nice javascript client, check out
npm install
npm start
npm test
$ curl -d 'facts=curl is an app at (20, 30)' localhost:3000/assert
$ curl -d 'facts=$who is an app at ($x, $y)' localhost:3000/select
npm run serve:examples && open http://localhost:5000
const socket = io.connect(`http://localhost:3000`)
// The pattern we want to match on
const pattern = 'ping $number'
let pong = 0
// To subscribe pass in the JSON of an array of patterns
const patternsString = JSON.stringify([pattern])
// We will get back an object, we just care about new assertions
socket.on(patternsString, ({assertions}) => {
assertions.forEach(({number}) => {
const value = parseInt(number.value)
if (value > pong) pong = value
console.log(`<- pong ${pong}`)
socket.emit('subscribe', patternsString)
// Start pinging from highest previous ping
setInterval(() => {
socket.emit('assert', `ping ${pong}`, data => {
console.log(`-> ${data[0]}`)
}, 1500)
from examples/osc/osc.pde
import oscP5.*;
import netP5.*;
OscP5 oscP5;
NetAddress myRemoteLocation;
void setup() {
oscP5 = new OscP5(this, 12000);
myRemoteLocation = new NetAddress("",41234);
void draw() {
void mousePressed() {
OscMessage assertMessage = new OscMessage("/assert");
assertMessage.add("processing is a program at (0.2, 0.3)");
oscP5.send(assertMessage, myRemoteLocation);
OscMessage assert2Message = new OscMessage("/assert");
assert2Message.add("coolprocessing is a notherprogram at (0.4, 0.4)");
oscP5.send(assert2Message, myRemoteLocation);
OscMessage selectMessage = new OscMessage("/select");
selectMessage.add("$name is a $type at ($x, $y)");
oscP5.send(selectMessage, myRemoteLocation);
The http, socketio, and osc endpoints are all the same HTTP uses POST unless otherwise stated.
Add some facts
/assert facts=['some', 'facts', 'here']
Remove some facts
/retract facts=['some', 'facts', 'here']
Batch add and remove facts from the database
/ facts=[{assert: 'some'}, {retract: 'facts'}, {assert: 'here'}]
Find some facts that match a pattern
/select `facts='$what'`
Get all the facts
GET /facts