This is a Puppet module for git It provides only package installation and file configuration.
Based on Example42 layouts by Alessandro Franceschi / Lab42
Official site:
Official git repository:
Released under the terms of Apache 2 License.
This module requires the presence of Example42 Puppi module in your modulepath.
Install git with default settings
class { 'git': }
Clone a git repo to a local directory
git::reposync { 'my_app': source_url => '', destination_dir => '/opt/myapp', }
Use custom sources for main config file
class { 'git': source => [ "puppet:///modules/example42/git/git.conf-${hostname}" , "puppet:///modules/example42/git/git.conf" ], }
Use custom template for main config file. Note that template and source arguments are alternative.
class { 'git': template => 'example42/git/git.conf.erb', }
Automatically include a custom subclass
class { 'git': my_class => 'example42::my_git', }
Travis {}[]