Add on composer.json (see
"require" : {
// ...
To start using the bundle, register it in your Kernel:
// app/AppKernel.php
public function registerBundles()
$bundles = array(
// ...
new iKantam\UtilsBundle\UtilsBundle(),
// ...
Add namespace
use iKantam\UtilsBundle\Utils\StringUtils;
to generate a random password, use:
$password = StringUtils::generatePassword(); //default password length 12 symbols
$password = StringUtils::generatePassword(20); // generate password with length 20
Length of generated password (Default: 12)
If you want to replace some tokens in text use this:
$text = "You should eat %pizza%, %beer%, and %pizza% every day";
$tokens = array(
'pizza' => 'fruits',
'beer' => 'vegetables'
$replaced_text = StringUtils::tokensReplace($text, $tokens);
// You should eat fruits, vegetables, and fruits every day
The text you want to change$replacement
Array of tokens and their replacements$token_symbol
Symbol that identifies the token from the text (Default: %)$wrap_side
Side to which is added the$token_symbol
. Allow values:left, right, both
(Default: both)
if you need to use absolute url in twig template - just add "absolute url" filter
{{ 'foo/bar'|absolute_url }} // --> http://absoluteurlpath/foo/bar
if you need to decode json in twig template - just add "json_decode" filter to json
{% set Image = child.vars.label | json_decode %} // child.vars.label contains json data
Do you use FOSJsRoutingBundle? Do you try to configure it for some different environments?
{{ fos_js_routes_options() }}
- will save you from these problems.
It will setup: base_url
, scheme
, host
, prefix
Add code below to your base layout:
<script src="{{ asset('bundles/fosjsrouting/js/router.js') }}"></script>
<script src="{{ asset('path_to/routes.js') }}"></script>
// ...
{{ fos_js_routes_options() }}