The Peripheral System on Module takes in the SPI or I2C of the various Peripheral boards and sends that along a can bus.
- SPI1 is the main SPI
- I2C1 is the main I2C
- These pins cannot be used as GPIO due to pullups
- SPI2 is a secondary SPI, used only if necessary
- Primary usage for SPI2 should be GPIO
- I2C2 is a secondary I2C, used only if necessary
- Primary usage for I2C2 should be GPIO
- To use these pins are I2C you must use the JP1, JP3 headers to pull up to 3.3V
- PA1, PA2, and SPI1_NSS can be used as ADC inputs
- VDDA and GNDA should be used only for voltage reference
- Drawing significant current will result in unstable voltage output
Using STM32L4CBT1 with 2 I2C, 2 SPI, 1 CAN, 1 UART (USB)
Add ADC pins as a quick hotfix
Updated UART-> USB chip and moved to a 12V architecture