This repository presents a tutorial to build a basic sample operator using different techniques.
Our Operator is responsible for creating a Hazelcast cluster from the following resource definition hazelcast.yaml
kind: Hazelcast
name: hazelcast-sample
size: 1
The only parameter to configure is size
which decides on the number of running Hazelcast Pods.
All other parameters are hardcoded, for example, Hazelcast Docker: hazelcast/hazelcast:4.1
No matter of the operator type, you'll always proceed with the steps below. Note that only the first point differs between different ways of creating operators.
- Create operator (using different techniques)
- Dockerize operator application and push it into Docker Hub
docker build -t <username>/hazelcast-operator:<type> . && docker push <username>/hazelcast-operator:<type>
- Create Hazelcast CRD (Custom Role Definition) and RBAC (Cluster Role and Cluster Role Binding)
kubectl apply -f hazelcast.crd.yaml
kubectl apply -f role.yaml
kubectl apply -f role_binding.yaml
- Deploy an operator
kubectl apply -f operator.yaml
- Create Hazelcast Resource
kubectl apply -f hazelcast.yaml
- Operator SDK: Helm - Generate Operator from a Helm Chart
- Operator SDK: Ansible - Create Operator using Ansible
- Operator SDK: Go - Write Operator in Go language using Operator SDK
- KOPF (Kubernetes Operator Pythonic Framework) - Write Operator with KOPF using Python
- Java - Write Operator with Java (and Quarkus for Docker native builds)