This repo is an example of micro-frontends using the following approach:
- Create AMD build of micro-frontend to be embeded into parent application;
- Microfrontend server exposes an endpoint that returns path to micro-frontend .js .css;
- Parent, which is the app that integrates all the micro-frontends, loads .js and .css of each micro-frontend at runtime with javascript asynchronously;
- Microfrontends communicate with each other via custom DOM events.
Open your favorite terminal, cd into-this-repo
and type the follow the steps below:
- Artists: install depencencies, build and run dev. server
cd artists/client
1.2. `npm install`
1.3. `cd ../server && npm install`
1.4. `cd ../utils && npm install`
1.5. `./`
1.6. `./`
1.7. Note that your browser will open at `http://localhost:3002/`. This is the standalone view of artists micro-frontend
1.8. Go back to your terminal and open a new tab to start the second micro-frontend
- Songs: install depencencies, build and run dev. server
cd songs/client
2.2. `npm install`
2.3. `cd ../server && npm install`
2.4. `cd ../utils && npm install`
2.5. `./`
2.6. `./`
2.7. Note that your browser will open at `http://localhost:3004/`. This is the standalone view of songs micro-frontend
2.8. Go back to your terminal and open a new tab to start the parent
- Playlist: install depencencies, build and run dev. server
cd playlist/client
3.2. `npm install`
3.3. `cd ../server && npm install`
3.4. `cd ../utils && npm install`
3.5. `./`
3.6. `./`
3.7. Note that your browser will open at `http://localhost:3006/`. This is the standalone view of playlist micro-frontend
3.8. Go back to your terminal and open a new tab to start the parent
- Parent install depencencies and run
cd parent
4.2. `npm install`
4.3. `npm start`
4.4. Note that your browser will open at `http://localhost:3000/`. This is the parent application that integrates the micro-frontends.