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Example of serverless integration for SaaS products listed on the AWS Marketplace.


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AWS Marketplace - Serverless integration for SaaS products (Example)

This project provides example of serverless integration for SaaS products listed on the AWS Marketplace.

If you are a new seller on AWS Marketplace, we advise you to check the following resources:

Project Structure

The sample in this repository demonstrates how to use AWS SAM (Serverless application model) to integrate your SaaS product with AWS Marketplace and how to perform:

Register new customers

With SaaS subscriptions and SaaS contracts, your customers subscribe to your products through AWS Marketplace, but access the product on environment you manage in your AWS account. After subscribing to the product, your customer is directed to a website you create and manage as a part of your SaaS product to register their account and configure the product.

When creating your product, you provide a URL to your registration landing page. AWS Marketplace uses that URL to redirect customers to your registration landing page after they subscribe. On your software's registration URL, you collect whatever information is required to create an account for the customer. AWS Marketplace recommends collecting your customer’s email addresses if you plan to contact them through email for usage notifications.

The registration landing page needs to be able to identify and accept the x-amzn-marketplace-token token in the form data from AWS Marketplace with the customer’s identifier for billing. It should then pass that token value to the AWS Marketplace Metering Service and AWS Marketplace Entitlement Service APIs to resolve for the unique customer identifier and corresponding product code.

NOTE: Deploying the static landing page is optional. You can choose to use your existing SaaS registration page, after collecting the data you should call the register new subscriber endpoint. Please see the deployment section.


In this sample we created CloudFront Distribution, which can be configured to use domain/CNAME by your choice. The POST request coming from AWS Marketplace is intercepted by the Edge src/redirect.js, which transforms the POST request to a GET request, and passes the x-amzn-marketplace-token in the query string. A static landing page hosted on S3 which takes the users inputs defined in the html form and submits them to the /subscriber API Gateway endpoint. <<<confirm

The handler for the /subscriber endpoint is defined in the src/register-new-subscriber.js file. This lambda function calls the resolveCustomerAPI and validates the token. If the token is valid, a customer record is created in the AWSMarketplaceSubscribers DynamoDB table and the data the customer submitted in the html form is stored. <<< add links

Grant and revoke access to your product

Grant access to new subscribers

Once the resolveCustomer endpoint return successful response, the SaaS vendors must to provide access to the solution to the new subscriber. Based on the type of listing contract or subscription we have defined different conditions in the grant-revoke-access-to-product.js stream handler that is executed on adding new or updating existing rows.

In our implementation the Marketplace Tech Admin (The email address you have entered when deploying), will receive email when new environment needs to be provisioned or existing environment needs to be updated. AWS Marketplace strongly recommends automating the access and environment management which can be achieved by modifying the grant-revoke-access-to-product.js function.

The property successfully subscribed is set when successful response is returned from the SQS entitlement handler for SaaS Contract based listings or after receiving **subscribe-success message from the Subscription SNS Topic in the case of AWS SaaS subscriptions in the subscription-sqs-handler.js.

Update entitlement levels to new subscribers (SaaS Contracts only)

Each time the entitlement is update we receive message on the SNS topic. The lambda function entitlement-sqs.js on each message is calling the marketplaceEntitlementService and storing the response in the dynamoDB.

We are using the same DynamoDB stream to detect changes in the entailment for SaaS contracts. When the entitlement is update notification is sent to the MarketplaceTechAdmin.

Revoke access to customers with expired contracts and cancelled subscriptions

The revoke access logic is implemented in a similar manner as the grant access logic.

In our implementation the MarketplaceTechAdmin receives email when the contract expires or the subscription is cancelled. AWS Marketplace strongly recommends automating the access and environment management which can be achieved by modifying the grant-revoke-access-to-product.js function.

Metering for usage

For SaaS subscriptions, the SaaS provider must meter for all usage, and then customers are billed by AWS based on the metering records provided. For SaaS contracts, you only meter for usage beyond a customer’s contract entitlements. When your application meters usage for a customer, your application is providing AWS with a quantity of usage accrued. Your application meters for the pricing dimensions that you defined when you created your product, such as gigabytes transferred or hosts scanned in a given hour.


We have created MeteringSchedule CloudWatch Event rule that is triggered every hour. The metering-hourly-job.js gets triggered by this rule and it's querying all of the pending/unreported metering records from the AWSMarketplaceMeteringRecords table using the PendingMeteringRecordsIndex. All of the pending records are aggregated based on the customerIdentifier and dimension name, and sent to the SQSMetering queue. The records in the AWSMarketplaceMeteringRecords table are expected to be inserted programmatically by your SaaS application. In this case you will have to give permissions to the service in charge of collecting usage data in your existing SaaS product to be able to write to AWSMarketplaceMeteringRecords table.

The lambda function metering-sqs.js is sending all of the queued metering records to the AWS Marketplace Metering service. After every call to the batchMeterUsage endpoint the rows are updated in the AWSMarketplaceMeteringRecords table, with the response returned from the Metering Service, which can be found in the metering_response field. If the request was unsuccessful the metering_failed value with be set to true and you will have to investigate the issue the error will be also stored in the metering_response field.

The new records in the AWSMarketplaceMeteringRecords table should be stored in the following format:

  "create_timestamp": {
    "N": "113123"
  "customerIdentifier": {
    "S": "ifAPi5AcF3"
  "dimension_usage": {
    "L": [
        "M": {
          "dimension": {
            "S": "users"
          "value": {
            "N": "3"
        "M": {
          "dimension": {
            "S": "admin_users"
          "value": {
            "N": "1"
  "metering_pending": {
    "S": "true"

Where the create_timestamp is the sort key and customerIdentifier is the partition key, and they are both forming the Primary key. Note:The new records format is in DynamoDB JSON format. It is different than JSON. The accepted time stamp is UNIX timestamp in UTC time.

After the record is submitted to AWS Marketplace BatchMeterUsage API, it will be updated and it will look like this:

  "create_timestamp": 113123,
  "customerIdentifier": "ifAPi5AcF3",
  "dimension_usage": [
      "dimension": "admin_users",
      "value": 3
  "metering_failed": false,
  "metering_response": "{\"Results\":[{\"UsageRecord\":{\"Timestamp\":\"2020-06-24T04:04:53.776Z\",\"CustomerIdentifier\":\"ifAPi5AcF3\",\"Dimension\":\"admin_users\",\"Quantity\":3},\"MeteringRecordId\":\"35155d37-56cb-423f-8554-5c4f3e3ff56d\",\"Status\":\"Success\"}],\"UnprocessedRecords\":[]}"

Deploying the sample application using the SAM CLI

The Serverless Application Model Command Line Interface (SAM CLI) is an extension of the AWS CLI that adds functionality for building and testing Lambda applications. To learn more about SAM, visit the AWS SAM developer guide.

To build and deploy your application, you must sign in to the AWS Management Console with IAM permissions for the resources that the templates deploy. For more information, see AWS managed policies for job functions. Your organization may choose to use a custom policy with more restrictions. These are the AWS services that you need permissions to create as part of the deployment:

  • AWS IAM role
  • Amazon CloudWatch Logs
  • Amazon CloudFront
  • Amazon S3 bucket
  • AWS CloudFormation stack
  • AWS Lambda function
  • Amazon API Gateway
  • Amazon DynamoDB database
  • Amazon SQS queue
  • Amazon SNS topic
  • Amazon EventBridge


For simplicity, we use AWS CloudShell to deploy the application since it has the required tools pre-installed. If you wish to run the deployment in an alternate shell, you'll need to install Docker community edition, Node.js 10 (including NPM), AWS CLI, and SAM CLI.

To build and deploy your application for the first time, complete the following steps.

  1. Using the AWS account registered as your AWS Marketplace Seller account, open AWS CloudShell.

  2. Clone the aws-marketplace-serverless-saas-integration repository and change to the root of the repository.

git clone
  1. Change to the root directory of the repository
cd aws-marketplace-serverless-saas-integration
  1. Build the application using SAM.
sam build
  1. Deploy the application using the SAM guided experience.
sam deploy --guided --capabilities CAPABILITY_NAMED_IAM
  1. Follow the SAM guided experience to configure the deployment. Reference the following table for solution parameters.

    Parameter name Description
    Stack Name Name of the resulting CloudFormation stack.
    AWS Region Name of the region that the solution is being deployed in. Default value: us-east-1
    WebsiteS3BucketName S3 bucket to store the HTML files; Mandatory if CreateRegistrationWebPage is set to true; will be created
    NewSubscribersTableName Name for the New Subscribers Table; Default value: AWSMarketplaceSubscribers
    AWSMarketplaceMeteringRecordsTableName Name for the Metering Records Table; Default value: AWSMarketplaceMeteringRecords
    TypeOfSaaSListing allowed values: contracts_with_subscription, contracts, subscriptions; Default value: contracts_with_subscription
    ProductCode Product code provided from AWS Marketplace
    MarketplaceTechAdminEmail Email to be notified on changes requiring action
    MarketplaceSellerEmail (Optional) Seller email address, verified in SES and in 'Production' mode. See Verify an email address for instruction to verify email addresses.
    SNSAccountID AWS account ID hosting the Entitlements and Subscriptions SNS topics. Leave as default.
    SNSRegion AWS region that the Entitlements and Subscriptions SNS topics are hosted in. Leave as default.
    CreateCrossAccountRole Creates a cross-account role granting access to the NewSubscribersTableName and AWSMarketplaceMeteringRecordsTableName tables. Default value: false.
    CrossAccountId (Optional) AWS account ID for the cross-account role.
    CrossAccountRoleName (Optional) Role name for the cross-account role.
    CreateRegistrationWebPage Creates a registration page. Default value: true
  2. Wait for the stack to complete successfully.

  3. Check the email account for MarketplaceTechAdminEmail and approve the subscription to the SNS topic.

  4. If a registration page was created, copy the web files into the WebsiteS3BucketName.

aws s3 cp ./web/ s3://<NAME_OF_THE_BUCKET_SELECTED_FOR_WebsiteS3BucketName>/ --recursive

Diagram of created resources

Based on the value of the TypeOfSaaSListing parameter different set of resources will be created.

In the case of contracts_with_subscription all of the resources depicted on the diagram below will be created.

In the case of a contracts, the resources market with orange circles will not be created.

In the case of a subscriptions the resources market with purple circles will not be created.

The landing page is optional. Use the CreateRegistrationWebPage parameter.


To delete the sample application that you created, use the AWS CLI. Assuming you used your project name for the stack name, you can run the following:

aws cloudformation delete-stack --stack-name app


See CONTRIBUTING for more information.


This library is licensed under the MIT-0 License. See the LICENSE file.

Post deployment steps

Registration page is true

  1. Update the MarketplaceFulfillmentUrl in your AWS Marketplace Management Portal with the value from the output key 'MarketplaceFulfillmentUrl'. The value would be in a the form of a AWS cloudfront based url.
  2. Replace the baseUrl value in the web/script.js file from the web template provided with the value from the output key 'RedirectUrl'.
  3. Replace the RedirectUrl value in the lambda environment variable with the value from the output key 'RedirectUrl'. Navigate to the AWS Console, look for AWS Lambda service, filter to the lambda with name ....Redirect... . Select the lambda function, go to configuration tab and then select the environment variable.
  4. Ensure the email address used is a verified identity/domain in Amazon Simple Email Service.
  5. Ensure your Amazon Simple Email Service account is a production account.

Registration page is false

  1. Update the MarketplaceFulfillmentUrl in your AWS Marketplace Management Portal with the value from the output key 'MarketplaceFulfillmentUrl'. The value would be in the form of an AWS API gateway url.
  2. Replace the baseUrl value in the web/script.js file from the web template provided with the value from the output key 'RedirectUrl'.
  3. Ensure the email address used is a verified identity/domain in Amazon Simple Email Service.
  4. Ensure your Amazon Simple Email Service account is a production account.


Example of serverless integration for SaaS products listed on the AWS Marketplace.



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