Solidity gas optimization techniques, using Foundry. 总结写 Solidity 智能合约更省 gas 的技巧。
Lead by @0xKaso
6. use custom error over require/assert
7. use local variable over storage
8. use clone2 over new/create2
10. use ++i as better increment
11. use uint in reentrancy guard
forge test --contracts 01_Constant/Constant.t.sol --gas-report
Gas report
Function Name | Gas Cost |
varConstant | 161 ✅ |
varImmutable | 161 ✅ |
variable | 2261 |
forge test --contracts 02_CalldataAndMemory/CalldataAndMemory.T.sol --gas-report
Gas report
Function Name | Gas Cost |
writeByCalldata | 67905 ✅ |
writeByMemory | 68456 |
forge test --contracts 03_Bitmap/Bitmap.T.sol --gas-report
Gas report
Function Name | Gas Cost |
setDataWithBitmap | 22366 ✅ |
setDataWithBoolArray | 35729 |
forge test --contracts 04_unchecked/Unchecked.T.sol --gas-report
Gas report
Function Name | Gas Cost |
forNormal | 1910309 |
forUnckecked | 570287 ✅ |
forge test --contracts 05_uint/Uint.T.sol --gas-report
Gas report
Function Name | Gas Cost |
read Uint8 | 2379 |
read Uint128 | 2465 |
read Uint256 | 2317 ✅ |
set Uint8 | 5355 |
set Uint128 | 5358 |
set Uint256 | 5322 ✅ |
forge test --contracts 06_Error/Error.T.sol --gas-report
Gas report
Error Name | Gas Cost |
Assert | 180 |
Require | 268 |
Revert | 164 ✅ |
forge test --contracts 07_LocalData/LocalData.T.sol --gas-report
Gas report
Data Type | Gas Cost |
localData | 1902339 ✅ |
storageData | 4022155 |
forge test --contracts 08_Clone2/Clone2.T.sol --gas-report
Gas report
Create Type | Gas Cost |
clone2 | 41493 ✅ |
create2 | 93031 |
new | 79515 |
forge test --contracts 09_Packing/Packing.T.sol --gas-report
Gas report
Create Type | Gas Cost |
normal | 133521 |
packing | 111351 ✅ |
forge test --contracts 10_Increment/Increment.T.sol --gas-report
Gas report
Increment | Gas Cost |
i += 1 | 270 |
i = i +1 | 248 |
i++ | 220 |
++i | 193 ✅ |
forge test --contracts 11_ReentrancyGuard/ReentrancyGuard.T.sol --gas-report
Gas report
ReentrancyGuard | Gas Cost | tips |
Bool | 27757 | |
Uint01 | 27604 | 0 to non-zero -> 20000 gas |
Uint12 | 13908 ✅ | non-zero to non-zero -> 2900 gas |
forge test --contracts 12_LessThan/LessThan.t.sol --gas-report
Gas report
Operator | Gas Cost |
<= | 250 |
< | 247 ✅ |