Backend for the organization portal application, based on the microservices stack.
cd /path/to/mu-project
docker-compose -f docker-compose.yml -f up
You can shut down using docker-compose stop
and remove everything using docker-compose rm
To make sure the app can share data, producers need to be set up. There is an intial sync, that is potentially very expensive, and must be started manually
- make sure the app is up and running, the migrations have run
- in docker-compose.override.yml, make sure the following configuration is provided:
drc up -d delta-producer-pub-graph-maintainer-administrative-units
- You can follow the status of the job, ideally through the dashboard, but this hasn't been setup yet. The following query should also give results:
PREFIX task: <>
PREFIX adms: <>
PREFIX dct: <>
SELECT DISTINCT ?job ?operation ?created ?modified ?status WHERE {
GRAPH ?g {
?job a <>;
task:operation ?operation;
adms:status ?status;
dct:created ?created;
dct:modified ?modified.
FILTER( ?operation IN (