This repository contains a Rust implementation of the popular FragGeneScan utility. It fixes many common race conditions and parallellism issues with the original FragGeneScan-tool and improves upon code quality.
- Rust
- Rayon
- Rust-Bio
- Clap
- Whiteread (for parsing the FragGeneScan input files)
To build the project:
cargo build
To make a release build of the project:
cargo build --release
Get the utility's help documentation
./fgsrs --help
Process one of the example files (output of FragGeneScan 1.31 is also present in the /example
./fgsrs -w 0 -p 20 -t train/454_10 < example/NC_000913-454.fna > NC_000913-454-fgs.faa is made available under the MIT License. Reference to the author and this repository however is appreciated.
Based upon the original implementation:
Mina Rho, Haixu Tang, and Yuzhen Ye. FragGeneScan: Predicting Genes in Short and Error-prone Reads. Nucl. Acids Res., 2010 doi: 10.1093/nar/gkq747