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LaunchDarkly monorepo for C++ SDKs.

This repository contains LaunchDarkly SDK packages which are written in C++. This includes shared libraries, used by SDKs and other tools, as well as SDKs.


Readme issues tests docs (C++) docs (C) latest release
libs/client-sdk C++ Client SDK Actions Status Documentation Documentation On Github
libs/server-sdk C++ Server SDK Actions Status Documentation Documentation On Github
libs/server-sdk-redis-source C++ Server SDK - Redis Source Actions Status Documentation Documentation On Github
Shared packages issues tests
libs/common Common Actions Status
libs/internal Internal Actions Status
libs/server-sent-events Common Server-Sent-Events Actions Status


Directory Description
.github Contains CI and release process workflows and actions.
examples Contains examples (hello-world style).
contract-tests Contains contract test service.
cmake Contains cmake files for importing and configuring external libraries.
libs Contains library implementations. This includes libraries shared within the project as well as SDK libraries like the client-sdk.
scripts Contains scripts used in the release process.
vendor Contains third party source which is directly integrated into the project. Generally third party source is included through CMake using FetchContent, but some libraries require modification specific to this repository.

Build Requirements


  1. C++17 and above
  2. CMake 3.19 or higher
  3. Ninja (if using the included build scripts)
  4. Boost version 1.81 or higher (excluding Boost 1.83, see note below)
  5. OpenSSL


Boost 1.83 is not supported due to an incompatibility in Boost.JSON. This issue appears to be resolved in versions prior and subsequent to 1.83.

Additional dependencies are fetched via CMake. For details see the cmake folder.

GoogleTest is used for testing.

For information on integrating an SDK package please refer to the SDK specific README.

CMake Options

Various CMake options are available to customize the client/server SDK builds.

Option Description Default Requires
BUILD_TESTING Coarse-grained switch; turn off to disable all testing and only build the SDK targets. On N/A
LD_TESTING_SANITIZERS Whether sanitizers should be enabled. On LD_BUILD_UNIT_TESTS
LD_BUILD_CONTRACT_TESTS Whether the contract test service (used in CI) is built. Off BUILD_TESTING
LD_BUILD_EXAMPLES Whether example apps (hello world) are built. On N/A
LD_BUILD_SHARED_LIBS Whether the SDKs are built as static or shared libraries. Off (static lib) N/A
LD_BUILD_EXPORT_ALL_SYMBOLS Whether to export all symbols in shared libraries. By default, only C API symbols are exported because C++ does not have an ABI. Only use this feature if you understand the risk and requirements. A mismatch in ABI could cause crashes or other unexpected behaviors. Off (hidden) LD_BUILD_SHARED_LIBS
LD_DYNAMIC_LINK_BOOST If building SDK as shared lib, whether to dynamically link Boost or not. Ensure that the shared boost libraries are present on the target system. On (link boost dynamically when producing shared libs) LD_BUILD_SHARED_LIBS
LD_DYNAMIC_LINK_OPENSSL Whether OpenSSL is dynamically linked or not. Off (static link) N/A
LD_BUILD_REDIS_SUPPORT Whether the server-side Redis Source is built or not. Off N/A


When building shared libraries C++ symbols are not exported, only the C API will be exported. This is because C++ does not have a stable ABI. For this reason, the SDK's unit tests are not built in shared library mode.

Building the SDK from Source

To configure the SDK's CMake project:

# Use 'make' as the build system.
cmake -B build -S . -G"Unix Makefiles"

To pass in config options defined in the table above, add them using -D:

# Use 'make' as the build system, build shared libs, and disable testing.
cmake -B build -S . -G"Unix Makefiles" \
                    -DLD_BUILD_SHARED_LIBS=On \
                    -DBUILD_TESTING=Off ..

The example uses make, but you might instead use Ninja, MSVC, etc.

Incorporating the SDK via add_subdirectory

The SDK can be incorporated into an existing application using CMake via add_subdirectory..

# Set SDK build options, for example:

target_link_libraries(your-app PRIVATE launchdarkly::client)
# ... or launchdarkly::server

Incorporating the SDK via find_package


Preliminary support for find_package is available. The package configuration is subject to change, do not expect it to be stable as long as this notice is present.

If you've installed the SDK on the build system via cmake --install, you can consume it from the target application like so:

find_package(launchdarkly REQUIRED)
target_link_libraries(your-app PRIVATE launchdarkly::launchdarkly-cpp-client)
# ... or launchdarkly::launchdarkly-cpp-server

LaunchDarkly overview

LaunchDarkly is a feature management platform that serves trillions of feature flags daily to help teams build better software, faster. Get started using LaunchDarkly today!

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We run integration tests for all our SDKs using a centralized test harness. This approach gives us the ability to test for consistency across SDKs. These tests cover each method in the SDK, and verify that event sending, flag evaluation, stream reconnection, and other aspects of the SDK all behave correctly.


We encourage pull requests and other contributions from the community. Check out our contributing guidelines for instructions on how to contribute to this SDK.

About LaunchDarkly

  • LaunchDarkly is a continuous delivery platform that provides feature flags as a service and allows developers to iterate quickly and safely. We allow you to easily flag your features and manage them from the LaunchDarkly dashboard. With LaunchDarkly, you can:
    • Roll out a new feature to a subset of your users (like a group of users who opt-in to a beta tester group), gathering feedback and bug reports from real-world use cases.
    • Gradually roll out a feature to an increasing percentage of users, and track the effect that the feature has on key metrics (for instance, how likely is a user to complete a purchase if they have feature A versus feature B?).
    • Turn off a feature that you realize is causing performance problems in production, without needing to re-deploy, or even restart the application with a changed configuration file.
    • Grant access to certain features based on user attributes, like payment plan (eg: users on the ‘gold’ plan get access to more features than users in the ‘silver’ plan). Disable parts of your application to facilitate maintenance, without taking everything offline.
  • LaunchDarkly provides feature flag SDKs for a wide variety of languages and technologies. Read our documentation for a complete list.
  • Explore LaunchDarkly