This project has been archived and is superseded by two separate libraries: laserpants/elm-update-pipeline and laserpants/elm-recipes
This project brings together some conventions and idioms that help you write modular and scalable Elm applications; and provides a convenient programming interface to support those ideas.
To use this library in your project you need to install it (just like any other Elm package) using the command:
elm install laserpants/elm-burrito-update
To get a flavor of what this library is all about, the following code snippets are from the example single-page application. At this point, it may not be so clear, but keep reading…
-- Page/Login.elm
{- line 26 -}
type alias State =
{ api : Api.Model Session
, form : LoginForm.Model
{- line 89 -}
update : Msg -> { onAuthResponse : Maybe Session -> a } -> StateUpdate a
update msg { onAuthResponse } =
handleApiResponse maybeSession =
inLoginForm Form.reset
>> andApply (onAuthResponse maybeSession)
handleError _ =
handleApiResponse Nothing
case msg of
ApiMsg apiMsg ->
(Api.update apiMsg
{ onSuccess = \session -> handleApiResponse (Just session)
, onError = handleError
FormMsg formMsg ->
inLoginForm (Form.update formMsg { onSubmit = handleSubmit })
-- App.elm
{- line 262 -}
handleAuthResponse : Maybe Session -> StateUpdate a
handleAuthResponse maybeSession =
authenticated =
Maybe.isJust maybeSession
setSession maybeSession
>> andThen (updateSessionStorage maybeSession)
>> andIf authenticated returnToRestrictedUrl
{- line 319 -}
inPage LoginPageMsg LoginPage
(LoginPage.update loginPageMsg
{ onAuthResponse = handleAuthResponse }
For a start, there are four concepts to wrap one’s head (or tortilla) around.
Note that in the following, state is sometimes used to refer to (what the Elm architecture calls) a model, and that these two terms are used, more or less, interchangeably.
A standard Elm program has the following structure:
import Browser exposing (Document, document)
import Html exposing (..)
import Html.Events exposing (..)
type Msg
= Bork
| ...
type alias Model =
{ ...
init : Flags -> ( Model, Cmd Msg )
init = ...
update : Msg -> Model -> ( Model, Cmd Msg )
update = ...
view : Model -> Document Msg
view = ...
main =
{ init = init
, update = update
, subscriptions = always Sub.none
, view = view
The Burrito equivalent of this code looks like this:
import Browser exposing (Document) -- [1]
import Burrito.Update.Browser exposing (document) -- [2]
import Burrito.Update exposing (Update) -- [3]
import Html exposing (..)
import Html.Events exposing (..)
type Msg
= Bork
| ...
type alias Model =
{ ...
init : Flags -> Update Model Msg a -- [4]
init = ...
update : Msg -> Model -> Update Model Msg a -- [5]
update = ...
view : Model -> Document Msg
view = ...
main = -- [6]
{ init = init
, update = update
, subscriptions = always Sub.none
, view = view
The main takeaway here is that Update
is as a type alias for the usual ( Model, Cmd Msg )
tuple. However, as the extra a
type parameter suggests, there is a bit more going on. More about this in due time.
Let’s go through the changes from the original code:
- Only
is imported from theBrowser
module. - Import
instead. - Import (for now)
. - In
, instead of the usual tuple, we returnUpdate Model Msg a
. - The return type of
is alsoUpdate Model Msg a
. - Finally, the
function looks like in the original program, but note thatdocument
here refers toBurrito.Update.Browser.document
The functions application
and document
, exposed by the Burrito.Update.Browser
module, serve as drop-in replacements for their counterparts in Elm core, but instead create a Program
where init
and update
are compatible with this library.
See the documentation for more details.
The next convention we will adopt is to chain together updates using the reverse function application (also known as pipe) operator |>
If you are using the update-extra
package, you’re probably already familiar with this idea.
Consider the following example, in plain Elm:
showToast : Toast -> Model -> ( Model, Cmd Msg )
showToast toast model =
dismissToastTask =
always (DismissToast model.counter)
( { model
| toast = toast
, counter = model.counter + 1
, Task.perform dismissToastTask (Process.sleep 4000)
The Burrito equivalent of the above looks like this:
setToast : Toast -> Model -> Update Model Msg a
setToast toast model =
save { model | toast = toast }
incrementCounter : Model -> Update Model Msg a
incrementCounter model =
save { model | counter = model.counter + 1 }
showToast : Toast -> Model -> Update Model Msg a
showToast toast model =
dismissToastTask =
always (DismissToast model.counter)
|> setToast toast
|> andAddCmd (Task.perform dismissToastTask (Process.sleep 4000))
|> andThen incrementCounter
We use save
to create an Update
without any commands. For instance,
update msg model =
save model
… corresponds to:
update msg model =
( model, Cmd.none )
type is actually a 3-tuple, where the third component is used to store a list of callbacks. This feature is explained later in this document.
Functions of the form something -> Model -> Update Model Msg a
are a recurring pattern in this style of code.
They are known as monadic functions (subject to some laws), and to compose these we use the pipe operator together with andThen
update msg model =
case msg of
SomeMsg someMsg ->
|> doSomethingWith someMsg
|> andThen doSomethingElse
|> andThen (addCmd someCmd) -- or andAddCmd someCmd
|> andThen (setAllDone True)
For brevity, and for reasons which will become apparent later on, the following type alias is also useful in some cases:
type alias ModelUpdate a =
Model -> Update Model Msg a
update : Msg -> ModelUpdate a
update = ...
Many of the functions in Burrito.Update
; like andThen
, map
, map2
, map3
, …, map7
, and andMap
; have semantics that resemble those of functions with identical names available in other Elm libraries written in the same style.
As usual, map
applies a function to the state (model) portion of an Update
> (save 2) == map ((+) 1) (save 1)
This function binds together updates.
For example, if we have two functions doSomething : Model -> Update Model Msg a
and doStuffTimes : Int -> Model -> Update Model Msg a
, we can compose these, like so:
save model
|> andThen doSomething
|> andThen (doStuffTimes 3)
The functions map2
, map3
, etc. address the need to map over functions having more than one argument.
> (save 42) == map2 (+) (save 5) (save 37)
If you want to map over functions with more than 7 arguments, you need andMap
For more detailed information, see the documentation.
In larger applications, we often end up with a hierarchy of models.
The next topic on our list is how to update this kind of nested state.
In the following example, the Api
module is responsible for fetching posts from a remote API.
type alias Posts =
List Post
type Msg
= ApiMsg (Api.Msg Posts)
type alias Model =
{ posts : Api.Model Posts
update : Msg -> Model -> Update Model Msg a
update msg model =
case msg of
ApiMsg apiMsg ->
Api.update apiMsg model.posts -- Fail!
The idea here is simply that update
calls Api.update
to update the Api
model. But this doesn’t quite work. Api.update
has this type:
update : Api.Msg Posts -> Api.Model Posts -> Update (Api.Model Posts) (Api.Msg Posts) a
We need to do three things here:
- Update the
. - Insert it back into the parent
. - Lift the
Api.Msg Posts
to aMsg
Using the tools we have assembled, this can be devised as an update pipeline:
update : Msg -> Model -> Update Model Msg a
update msg model =
case msg of
ApiMsg apiMsg ->
|> Api.update apiMsg
|> andThen (\posts -> save { model | posts = posts })
|> mapCmd ApiMsg
The last line (mapCmd
) is analogous to:
\( model, cmd ) -> ( model, ApiMsg cmd )
Since this is mostly boilerplate, it makes sense to factor out some of it and invent two new functions in the process:
insertAsPostsIn : Model -> Api.Model Posts -> Update Model Msg a
insertAsPostsIn model posts =
save { model | posts = posts }
inPostsApi : Api.ModelUpdate Posts a -> Model -> Update Model Msg a
inPostsApi doUpdate model =
|> doUpdate
|> andThen (insertAsPostsIn model)
|> mapCmd ApiMsg
update : Msg -> Model -> Update Model Msg a
update msg model =
case msg of
ApiMsg apiMsg ->
|> inPostsApi (Api.update apiMsg)
The inPostsApi
function now takes care of the wrapping, unwrapping, and mapping.
Note that it can be used from any function in our code that returns an Update Model Msg a
Without the ModelUpdate
helper (explained earlier), the type signature for inPostsApi
would have been a lot more complicated:
inPostsApi : (Api.Model Posts -> Update (Api.Model Posts) (Api.Msg Posts) a) -> Model -> Update Model Msg a
We will continue building on the previous example.
At some point, the Api
module sends a request to fetch a collection of posts from the API.
When the request is complete, a Result
is returned with either a list of posts, or an error message.
A natural next step is for this information to be passed up in the state hierarchy, to give the parent model a chance to update itself (and its other children) based on the response.
We can visualize this through the following diagram:
│ update │
└───┬─ ▲ ──┘
│ │
ApiMsg ─│ │── onSuccess
│ │──── onError
│ │
┌─── ▼ ─┴────┐
│ Api.update │
The main idea here is to add an extra argument to the Api.update
call, with a record of callbacks that are invoked when something interesting happens.
As you can see, these callbacks have the type something -> Model -> Update Model Msg a
, which means that we can do anything we want with the parent model in these functions.
After a successful authentication attempt, for example, you may want to take the user to a different URL.
handleSuccess : List Post -> Model -> Update Model Msg a
handleSuccess = ...
handleError : Http.Error -> Model -> Update Model Msg a
handleError = ...
update : Msg -> Model -> Update Model Msg a
update msg model =
case msg of
ApiMsg apiMsg ->
|> inPostsApi
(Api.update apiMsg
{ onSuccess = handleSuccess
, onError = handleError
The callbacks are then “invoked” from within Api.update
using the apply
function from Burrito.Update
The code looks something like this:
update msg { onSuccess, onError } model =
case msg of
Response (Ok resource) ->
|> setResource (Available resource)
|> andThen (apply (onSuccess resource))
Response (Err error) ->
|> setResource (Error error)
|> andThen (apply (onError error))
Tip: As a shortcut, you can also write
andApply (onEvent foo)
instead ofandThen (apply (onEvent foo))
There is one more step.
When apply
is called, it just adds a partially applied function to a list of handlers. This list is the mysterious third component of the Update
Here is how Update
is defined:
type alias Update a msg t =
( a, List (Cmd msg), List t )
So the t
parameter gets instantianted as Model -> Update Model Msg a
To then actually apply these handlers to the returned model, we need to call runCallbacks
, which takes this list, composes everything together and runs it in a left-to-right, sequential manner.
To do this, we append runCallbacks
to the inPostsApi
inPostsApi : Api.ModelUpdate Posts (StateUpdate a) -> StateUpdate a
inPostsApi doUpdate model =
|> doUpdate
|> andThen (insertAsPostsIn model)
|> mapCmd ApiMsg
|> runCallbacks
Thanks to currying, in Elm we can often omit function arguments in the following way:
f1 x = g x <==> f1 = g
f2 x = g (h x) <==> f2 = g << h
This is known as pointfree style, and it is used in some of the examples included with this library to make the model
(or state
) argument implicit.
The conversion described above is formally described by the notion of an eta-reduction in the Lambda calculus.
Pointfree style of programming favors function composition in such a way that one avoids presenting the actual arguments to which a function is applied. It allows the programmer to think about the program more abstractly and can (sometimes) lead to more readable program code.
setMessage : String -> Model -> Update Model msg a
setMessage message model =
save { model | message = message }
update : Msg -> Model -> Update Model Msg a
update msg =
case msg of
ButtonClicked ->
setMessage "The button was clicked!"
>> andThen haveCoffee
update msg model =
case msg of
ButtonClicked ->
|> setMessage "The button was clicked!"
|> andThen haveCoffee
The pointfree approach makes sense, in particular in presence of the ModelUpdate
which makes it natural to think of the function as being in a partially applied state.
In other words, it takes a Msg
and returns a function Model -> Update Model Msg a
type alias ModelUpdate a =
Model -> Update Model Msg a
update : Msg -> ModelUpdate a
update msg =
case msg of
That’s it! Enjoy with your favorite choice of taco sauce.
See code and the online demo.
This is a single-page (SPA) application that shows how to use this library to:
- Fetch remote resources from a JSON API;
- Do URL routing;
- Implement user authentication and sessions using
(via ports); - Display “toast” notifications; and
- Work with
- forms, form validation and
- WebSockets (see the
Work in progress: See
Recipes are reusable pieces of functionality that can be integrated with your Burrito application. They rely on the the same coding style and conventions.
Burritos have appeared in programming tutorials for some time, serving as an analogy for monads. Whether or not this is a good pedagogical idea, they do seem to satisfy the monad laws. For an in-depth treatment of the subject, see this excellent paper by Ed Morehouse.
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