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Nicolas Strike edited this page Sep 21, 2018 · 6 revisions

Standards and Coding Practices for CLUBB

Larson Group UW-Milwaukee

The following rules apply only to the parts of CLUBB that we have written. We try not to modify code from external contributors such as BUGSrad, Numerical Recipes, and so forth, because such external code is less familiar to us, and we might introduce bugs. Furthermore, our changes would be lost if we were to update to a new version of the external code.

  1. All source code in the repository should have a standard header with a SVN $Id$ tag at the top. svn will then keep track of and list the time that the file was last updated and the name of the person who updated it. When initially checking in (i.e. committing) a new source file, enter the Id tag as the string $Id$ on a commented out line at the top of the source file. E.g. ! $Id$ . Then set the svn properties on the file using: svn propset svn:keywords "Id" file name
    After checking in the file, something like the following will appear:
! $Id: example.F90,v 1.1 1901-01-01 17:53:48 username Exp $  
  1. When adding functions and subroutines create a header with a short description of their purpose and reference if there is one. Include in the header a description of each variable and its respective units. Use the following standardized layout:
function xyzzy( etherx, ethery, etherz )

! Description:
!   Evaluates the xyzzy function. 

! References:
!   Eqn. 33 on p. 4551 of  
!   Tweedle-dee and Tweedle-dum (1842), J. Imaginary Atmospheric 
!   Sci., Vol. 23, pp. 4550--4556

  ! Included Modules
  use grid_dimensions, only: ndim ! Variable
  implicit none

  ! External Calls
  complex, external :: &
    xyxy_fnc ! (Description of function goes here)

  external :: &
    zyzy_sub ! (Description of subroutine goes here)

  ! It is a good idea to declare intrinsics, in case another 
  ! function or variable is accidentally given the same name.
  intrinsic :: &
    matmul, exp, log, dble

  ! If we had any derived types to declare, then 
  ! we would put them here before the constants.

  ! Local Constants
  real, parameter :: &
    local_tol = 1.0e-6 ! Local tolerance [no units]

  ! Input Variables
  complex, dimension(ndim), intent(in) :: &
    etherx,  & ! Ether in the x dimension  [kg/kg]
    ethery,  & ! Ether in the y dimension  [kg/kg]
    etherz     ! Ether in the z dimension  [kg/kg]

  ! Output Variables
  complex, dimension(ndim,ndim,ndim), intent(out) :: &
    xyzzy    ! Ether in the xyyzy dimension  [kg/kg]

  ! Local Variables
  integer :: i, j, k ! Loop iterator

  !----- Begin Code -----
end function xyzzy
  1. In functions and subroutines put a line with !----- Begin Code ----- after the declarative portion of the code. This is to make it clear where the algorithmic portion of the procedure starts.
  2. Be generous with code comments. Make sure your code is understandable to an outsider looking at it for the first time. When writing a code comment, leave your name at the end of the comment. This will allow other users to contact you with any questions about the section of code. Use the same name identifier, e.g. dschanen or Vince Larson, everywhere. Then everyone can use grep to search for all code comments you've made.
  3. Minimize the number of variables and the amount of data that can be modified by subroutines and functions. This includes variables passed as an argument and those coming from a use statement. Always specify the intent attributes of arguments, and use intent(in) and intent(out) rather than intent(inout) whenever possible. This makes the code more clear to new users by allowing them to trace where a given variable is changed in the code and spot at a glance what are the inputs and outputs of each subroutine. Furthermore, this makes it easier for the compiler to optimize, because modern computers can vectorize floating point instructions, thereby providing some parallelization when your calculation does not rely on previous results. Note however, that an intent(out) variable that is not set in the scope of the subroutine is not defined! It often preserves the previous value, but it may not. When using modules with public variables, limit the number of variables with an only: statement. This makes code easier to read, because it is then obvious which variables from the module are being used. Even if all variables from the module are used, listing all variables after the only: statement is still worthwhile because it provides documentation about the inputs. E.g.
subroutine mulmul( x, y, z )

! Description:
!   Bogus example

! References:
!   None

  ! Here we limit our use statement to just the needed variables
  use constants, only: &
    pi,         & ! Ratio of radii to their circumferance [no units]
    euler_const   ! Made up constant [no units]

  use dimensions, only: &
    nzmax ! Number of data points of our model [count]

  implicit none

  ! First list input variables
  real, dimension(nzmax), intent(in) :: &
    x, &! First factor   [no units]
    y   ! Second factor  [no units]

  ! Then list inout variables, and then outputs 
  real, dimension(nzmax), intent(out) :: &
    z  ! output         [no units]

  !----- Begin Code -----

  ! Note that every element of z could be calculated 
  ! independently of other elements of the subroutine
  ! allowing for parallelism if possible.

  z(1:nzmax) = ( x(1:nzmax) / pi ) * ( y(1:nzmax) / euler_const )

end subroutine mulmul
  1. Do not use implicitly saved variables in the scope of a subroutine. E.g.
    In this example l_use_fixed_fluxes will be saved until the next call to set_fluxes, but it's not obvious this is the case unless a user looks at the declaration and knows that the variable will be implicitly saved. If you wish to save a variable either declare it in the common block of the module, bring it in via a use statement, or make it an argument for the subroutine.
  subroutine set_fluxes( i )
    implicit none

    logical :: l_use_fixed_fluxes = .false.

    ! ---- Begin Code ----
    if ( i < 9 ) then
      l_use_fixed_fluxes = .true.
    end if

  end subroutine set_fluxes
  1. The general convention in CLUBB is to have the dummy arguments of a subroutine ordered with input first, input/output second, and output arguments third. The exception to this is optional variables, which must occur last. In that case, standard variables should be ordered as above; below this, the optional variables should be listed with input first, then input/output, and then output variables. E.g.
  ! The wrong way
  subroutine sub( input_variable_1, output_variable_1, &
                  input_variable_2, input_output_variable_1 )

  ! The right way
  subroutine sub( input_variable_1, input_variable_2, &
                  input_output_variable_1, output_variable_1 )
  1. Keep on the same lines the arguments of both the originating call and its corresponding subroutine declaration. This makes it easier to check the consistency of arguments of subroutines and functions with long argument lists. E.g.
  ! The wrong way
  call sub( roast_beef, ham, tomato, cheese, &
            lettuce, onion, mayo )

  subroutine sub( roast_beef, ham, &
                  tomato, cheese,  &
                  lettuce, onion, mayo )

   ! The right way
   call sub( roast_beef, ham, tomato, cheese, &
             lettuce, onion, mayo )

   subroutine sub( roast_beef, ham, tomato, cheese, &
                   lettuce, onion, mayo )
  1. When breaking up an arithmetic expression over multiple lines, do so according to operator precedence. This makes things more readable at a glance. E.g.
  !Do this: 
  x = t + y*x  &
    + g*v + t*h

  !Not this:
  x = t + y*x + g &
    *v + t*h
  1. Do not use assumed size or assumed shape arrays in CLUBB. Generally speaking, the grid class defines the length of model arrays, and the use of assumed size arrays introduces another level of complexity that can contribute to introducing bugs. An exception to this rule is that should you need to interface with code developed by external contributors that contains assumed size or shape arrays you may have to declare your arrays the same way.
  2. When a logical expression or a do loop extends more than ten lines, put a small comment after the end statement with the name of the loop or logical variable. E.g.
  if ( l_code_enabled ) then

    ...many lines of code...

  end if ! l_code_enabled


  if ( .not. l_code_enabled ) then

    ...many lines of code...

  end if ! ~l_code_enabled

A long do statement

  do i = 1, 100, 1

  ...many lines of code...

  end do ! i = 1..100
  1. When making a logical expression, leave spaces between the logical operators and use the Fortran 90 style logical operators. E.g.

! Like this if ( ( x == y ) .and. ( y >= z ) .or. ( z /= 0.0 ) ) then ... end if

! Not like this if ( ) then ... end if ~~~~ The F90 style operators are:
== instead of .eq.
/= instead of .ne.
> instead of .gt.
>= instead of .ge.
< instead of .lt.
<= instead of .le.
13. When creating a model flag variable of type logical, precede the name with a l_ to make it easy to see that it is a logical.
14. When writing flow control statements ( if, else if, select case ), keep the logic as straightforward and clear as possible. If a set of if...then expressions grows to more than three cases, then rewrite the logic as a expression instead. E.g.

! Rewrite this:
  if ( trim( run ) == "BOMEX" ) then
    execute_stuff( )

  else if ( trim( run ) == "FIRE" ) then
    execute_other_stuff( )

  else if ( trim( run ) == "ARM" ) then
    execute_other_other_stuff( ) 

  else if ( trim( run ) == "DAVE'S_CAMPING_TRIP" ) then
    execute_other_other_other_stuff( ) 
    write(unit=0,fmt=*) "Cannot determine what to do for "//trim( run )
  end if ! run

  ! Like this:
  select case( trim( run ) )
  case( "BOMEX" )
    execute_stuff( )
  case( "FIRE" )
    execute_other_stuff( )
  case( "ARM" )
    execute_other_other_stuff( )
  case ( "DAVE'S_CAMPING_TRIP" ) 
    execute_other_other_other_stuff( ) 
  case default
    write(unit=0,fmt=*) "Cannot determine what to do for "//trim( run )

  end select ! run
  1. When mixing scalar variables with array variables in a single mathematical statement, it is often more clear to use indices, even though Fortran 90 allows you to omit them. E.g.
 !Do this: 
 xyzzy(1:gr%nz) = variable_arr1(1:gr%nz) * variable_scl1 &
                    * variable_arr2(1:gr%nz)**2
 !Not this:
 xyzzy = variable_arr1 * variable_scl1  &
         * variable_arr2**2
  1. Use a consistent character case for variables names. E.g. if you use thlm in function a, then do not use Thlm in function b. This makes the code easier to read and search using your text editor and the grep command.

  2. Always use implicit none in your code. It will make debugging much easier, because it prevents the accidental use of variables of the wrong type.

  3. When adding a variable that isn't a loop iterator and occurs in more than one context, use a variable name that is in some way unique. This will make searching for the variable in the code much easier. There several ways to do this:

    a. Use mixed case. E.g. Rd for the Dry air gas constant rather than R or rd b. Use of a number in the name when the mathematical equations contain them. E.g. p0 for P0 . c. Use 3 or more characters in the variable name. E.g. CLUBB uses grav rather than g or gr for the gravitational constant.

    Avoid using a variable name that overlaps with the text of a reserved word or Fortran directive as well (e.g. inte overlaps with intent and integer and would not be a good variable name). Try using a command like grep if you're uncertain if your variable is a semi-unique string.

  4. Do not use magic numbers, i.e. undefined numbers rather than variables. Use of magic numbers makes it harder to read the code and to change the value parameters, e.g. grav = 9.8, consistently throughout the code. This is hard for a non-meteorologist to understand:
    rtm = rtm * 1000

    Instead, do this:
    g_per_kg = 1000
    rtm = rtm * g_per_kg

    If you absolutely need to use a magic number, perhaps because a case specification uses one, include a comment on that line saying:
    ! known magic number This will prevent the script from reporting that there is a magic number on this line.

  5. Do not use magic flags, i.e. undefined input arguments to subroutines or functions. Instead, define the argument just above the call to the subroutine.
    To understand this, you'd need to go to the subroutine:
    call complex_function(wp2,p3,.true.)

    This is better documented:
    l_enable_damping = .true.
    call complex_function( wp2, wp3, l_enable_damping )

    If you absolutely need to use a magic flag, include a comment on that line saying:
    ! known magic flag

    This will prevent the script from reporting that there is a magic flag on this line.

  6. Do not use the prognostic or diagnostic variable modules anywhere they are not used already. Currently the module prognostic_variables is used in numerical_check and clubb_driver, while diagnostic_variables is used in clubb_driver, clubb_core, and stats_subs. Global variables like these make debugging the code more difficult, and complicate implementing CLUBB in a host model. The proper way to use these variables in a new section of code is to pass them as an argument.

  7. Put all functions and subroutines within a module. This allows for compile time checking of input arguments.

  8. When putting several subroutines or functions in a module, limit the number of public interfaces to those that are called from outside the module. E.g.

  ! module gcss


  public ::
    cloud_rad, atex_tndcy, atex_sfclyr, fire_tndcy, &
    wangara_tndcy, wangara_sfclyr, &
    astex_tndcy, astex_sfclyr, &
    arm_tndcy, arm_sfclyr, &
    bomex_tndcy, bomex_sfclyr, &
    dycoms2_rf01_tndcy, dycoms2_rf01_sfclyr, &
    dycoms2_rf02_tndcy, dycoms2_rf02_sfclyr, &

  ! Note that all these are called from 
  ! subroutines within gcss;  This declaration
  ! makes them unavailable to outside routines

  private ::
    diag_ustar, arm_sfcflx, Diff_denom, &

  1. In order to keep CLUBB threadsafe, all variables in a module prior to the contains statement (i.e. common block variables) should be declared as $omp threadprivate in a commented line just after the variable declaration. The only exception to this rule is a variable with the parameter attribute, since these hold a constant value. Below is a code example:
module declination
  real, public :: angle_in_deg = 30. ! Degree of the angle

!$omp threadprivate(angle_in_deg)
end module declination
  1. Good use of whitespace can make code easier to read and debug. One simple convention used in CLUBB is to put an extra space between parenthesis for functions and subroutines to differentiate them from array variables.
  ! Choosing less obscure names for arrays and functions 
  ! will also help with this problem.

  f( x ) ! This is the function f evaluated with argument x.
  f(x)   ! This is the one dimensional array f indexed at x.
This applies to intrinsic functions as well.
  mycalc = exp( x ) * log( y )  &
         + dble( g ) * mod( f, 5 )
  1. For clarity, functions, subroutines, modules, and programs should end with their proper Fortran 90 style end statement.
  ! Like this
  subroutine foo
  end subroutine foo

  ! Not like this
  subroutine foo
  1. Separate end statements with a single space.
  subroutine sub( )
  do k = 1, gr%nz, 1
  end do ! not 'enddo'
  where ( rtm < rttol )
  end where ! not 'endwhere'

  subroutine sub
  end subroutine sub ! not 'endsubroutine'
  1. For consistency use lowercase letters for Fortran keywords.
program HAL ! lowercase program
  if ( l_TurnOff ) then ! lowercase if, lowercase then
    write(unit=*,fmt=*) "I know that you and Frank were " &
      //"trying to turn me off Dave." ! lowercase write
    stop "Daisy, Daisy..." ! lowercase stop
  end if ! lowercase end, lowercase if
end program HAL ! lowercase end, lowercase program 
  1. For the sake of consistency and code readability, always use a 2 column indent after all directives. Also, indent continuation lines by 2 columns.
module dynamics
   !2 column indent within the scope of module

  implicit none
  subroutine advect_2D( ... )
    use grid, only: &  2+2 columns within the scope of dynamics/advect_2D
      nzmax, &  2+2+2 columns since we're continuing the use statement

    if ( l_do_something ) then
       2+2+2 columns within the scope of dynamics/advect_2D/if..then
      call something( ... )
    end if

  end subroutine advect_2D
end module dynamics
  1. Wrap all code lines at 100 columns. Fortran free format source code allows for 132, but the number 100 was chosen to so that we can view the code browser without word-wrap on one monitor.
  2. Do not use deprecated or obsolescent features of Fortran, and do not use extensions to the Fortran 95 standard. This includes but is not limited to pause, equivalence, Cray style pointers, arithmetic if, alternate return, and float() for real data type conversions.
  3. All files added to the CLUBB code should use a .F90 file extension. This is needed for a kluge used with mkmf that only enables compiler warnings when the file is pre-processed Fortran 90 source.
  4. Any new files added to the repository should have matching filenames and module names. This is because some host models in which CLUBB is implemented, e.g. SAM and CAM, use make/compile scripts that assume all filenames and module names are the same. Also, if a new module name requires an extension, use <module name>_module rather than <module name>_mod, for clarity and consistency with the rest of the code.
  5. CLUBB uses the convention that logical variables should have a prefix of l_. For example, use l_cloud_sed rather than cloud_sed.
  6. All non-fatal print or write statements should recast as clubb_debug( 1 or 2, "message") or should be enclosed in clubb_at_least_debug_level( 1 or 2 ) conditionals. All fatal errors should be write statements to stderr (clubb_constants fstderr) with no clubb_at_least_debug_level conditional.
  7. When using allocatable pointers or derived types they should be deallocated in the same function or subroutine in which they were allocated. This is because unlike arrays, the memory used by pointers is not automatically freed without a deallocate statement, and we want to prevent memory leaks. This includes derived types that contain allocatable pointer components.
  function func
    allocate( file%z )
    deallocate( file%z )

  end function func
  1. Variable locations in CLUBB:
    A. Thermodynamic-level Variables CLUBB generally defines mean fields (thlm, rtm, rcm, um, vm, etc.) and third-order moments (wp3, wp2thlp, wprtp2, etc.) to be thermodynamic-level variables. Furthermore, pressure variables (p_in_Pa and exner) are thermodynamic-level variables. Their "home" is on thermodynamic levels.

    Furthermore, most variables that are diagnosed based purely on thermodynamic-level variables are thermodynamic-level variables themselves. A good example of this is Lscale. Lscale is computed in subroutine compute_length based on the following thermodynamic-level inputs: thvm, thlm, rtm, rcm, p_in_Pa, and exner. There is only one momentum-level variable input into compute_length, and that is em (as a side note, em is a rare exception to the "mean field" rule because it is diagnosed based purely on three momentum-level variables, wp2, up2, and vp2). Thus, em is interpolated to thermodynamic-levels within compute_length. Another good example of this rule is thvm, which is diagnosed based on thermodynamic-level variables thlm, rtm, exner, and rcm.

    When thermodynamic-level variables are at their "home" thermodynamic levels, they simply use their "base" name (thlm, wp2rcp, wp3, Lscale, etc.). However, when thermodynamic-level variables are interpolated to momentum levels (or computed on momentum levels in some instances), the general naming convention is to tack a "_zm" onto the end of their "base" name. For example, thlm is thlm at thermodynamic levels and thlm_zm when interpolated to momentum levels.

    B. Momentum-level Variables
    CLUBB generally defines second-order moments (wpthlp, rtp2, wp2, sclrpthlp, etc.) and fourth-order moments (wp4) to be momentum-level variables. Their "home" is on momentum levels.

    Furthermore, most variables that are diagnosed based purely on momentum-level variables are momentum-level variables themselves. A good example of this is sigma_sqd_w, which is diagnosed based purely on momentum-level variables wpthlp, wp2, thlp2, wprtp, and rtp2. Another example of this, as referenced above in the section on "Thermodynamic-level variables", is em, which is diagnosed based purely on momentum-level variables wp2, up2, and vp2.

    When momentum-level variables are at their "home" momentum levels, they simply use their "base" name (wprtp, up2, sigma_sqd_w, rtpthlp, etc.). However, when momentum-level variables are interpolated to thermodynamic levels (or computed on thermodynamic levels in some instances), the general naming convention is to tack a "_zt" onto the end of their "base" name. For example, rtp2 is rtp2 at momentum levels and rtp2_zt when interpolated to thermodynamic levels. Likewise, sigma_sqd_w is sigma_sqd_w at momentum levels and sigma_sqd_w_zt when interpolated to thermodynamic levels.

    C. Homeless Variables
    There are some variables in the CLUBB code that don't have a definitive "home". Rather, they just have numerous cardboard boxes scattered amongst the various different vertical levels.

    Generally, these are variables that are diagnosed based on nearly equal contributions from momentum-level variables and thermodynamic-level variables. A great example of this is Skewness of w. The skewness of w, Skw, equals wp3 / wp2^1.5. It is based on one thermodynamic-level variable, wp3, and one momentum-level variable, wp2. Thus, when calculating Skw on thermodynamic levels, Skw = wp3 / wp2_zt^1.5, and when calculating Skw on momentum levels, Skw = wp3_zm / wp2^1.5. Two more great examples of this are eddy diffusivity, Kh, and time-scale, tau. Both are based on one thermodynamic-level variable, Lscale, and one momentum-level variable, em.

    When a homeless variable is at its cardboard box on momentum levels, a "_zm" extension is tacked onto it, and when it is at its cardboard box on thermodynamic levels, a "_zt" extension is tacked onto it. Thus, skewness of w is called Skw_zt at thermodynamic levels and Skw_zm at momentum levels. Likewise, eddy diffusivity and time-scale are Kh_zt and tau_zt, respectively, at thermodynamic levels, and Kh_zm and tau_zm, respectively, at momentum levels.

  2. When using find/replace to make changes to the code, such as renaming a function or variable, mistakes can be made and overlooked. In particular, unwanted changes to comments frequently occur. To alleviate this, whenever using find/replace to make changes to the code, you must check all changes made to comments.

    A regular expression can easily be used with the svn diff and egrep commands to find all changes made to comments in a local revision. Simply run the command from the base directory of your CLUBB checkout. The command is as follows:
    svn diff | egrep '(^(\+|-).*!|^---|^\+\+\+|^@@|^===)' -

    Each pipe in this egrep command represents an OR statement. The first section includes all lines from the diff that include an exclamation mark, which represents a comment. The rest of the lines include the lines that show information about the filenames and line numbers.

  3. CLUBB uses a generalized precision that can be specified with a compiler flag. This compiler flag is CLUBB_REAL_TYPE. This maps to the variable in clubb_precision.F90 called core_rknd. When using any real variables, please use a real of kind core_rknd instead of a standard real, unless it is absolutely necessary to use single or double precision all the time.

    It is particularly important to specify core_rknd when passing variables between CLUBB and an external model, such as WRF, which uses single precision by default, or MG microphysics, which uses double precision by default. If core_rknd is not explicitly specified in an argument list from the external model, e.g.
    real( exciting_WRF_variable(k), kind = core_rknd ) ,

    then CLUBB will fail to compile when CLUBB's precision is changed, i.e. CLUBB_REAL_TYPE is changed.
    Also, when assigning values to these variables, you must specify the precision of the value using _core_rknd (E.g. 1.23_core_rknd). Here is an example of declaring a variable as core_rknd and assigning a value to it:

use clubb_api_module, only &
  core_rknd ! generalized precision

real( kind = core_rknd ) :: &

variable = 0.0_core_rknd
  1. We should avoid adding new use of command line applications, e.g. mktemp, to our compile or run scripts unless we're certain they're portable between Linux/BSD/MacOS/Unix.
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