An ansible template project for webMethods products automated provisioning and management
git submodule add webmethods-ansible
Optional if not done: let's remove tty requiremewnt for SUDO (temp thing until we use the right ansible user)
ansible-playbook -i inventory sagenv-sysprep-disabletty.yaml
Then, let's sysprep everything:
ansible-playbook -i inventory sagenv-sysprep-all.yaml
Then, install / configure Command Central:
ansible-playbook -i inventory sagenv-stack-cce.yaml
Sub tasks if more granularity needed:
ansible-playbook -i inventory sagenv-stack-cce.yaml --tags sysprep,install
ansible-playbook -i inventory sagenv-stack-cce.yaml --tags sysprep,configure
And if you weant to force the re-configuration of CCE:
ansible-playbook -i inventory sagenv-stack-cce.yaml --tags configure --extra-vars='{"configure_cce_force": true}'
And if you want to force a specific CCE configuration item:
ansible-playbook -i inventory sagenv-stack-cce.yaml --tags configure-repo-images --extra-vars='{"configure_cce_force": true}'
If you just need to copy the CCE code to command central (ie. you modified it and want to make sure the latest is on the server)
ansible-playbook -i inventory sagenv-stack-cce.yaml --tags sync-cce-provisoning
Note: it's a good idea to use nohup for the installs, as they can be lengthy and we would want everything to continue installing even if we lose connectivity to the server...
nohup ansible-playbook -i inventory <playbook_name> &> ~/nohup-<playbook_name>.out &
- inventory_groupnames: the ansible inventory group name (ie. where to run this script)
- product_name: one of the wM product name
- product_instance_name: instance name
- product_command: start, stop
ansible-playbook -i inventory sagenv-tools-command-product.yaml --extra-params {"inventory_groupnames":"","product_name":"","product_instance_name":"","product_command":""}
For example, start all UM servers:
ansible-playbook -i inventory sagenv-tools-command-product.yaml --extra-vars '{"inventory_groupnames":"universalmessaging","product_name":"universalmessaging","product_instance_name":"umserver","product_command":"start"}'
For example, start all MWS servers:
ansible-playbook -i inventory sagenv-tools-command-product.yaml --extra-vars '{"inventory_groupnames":"mws","product_name":"mws","product_instance_name":"default","product_command":"start"}'
- inventory_groupnames: the ansible inventory group name (ie. where to run this script)
- product_name: one of the wM product name
- product_instance_name: instance name
- product_command: start, stop, restart, update, create
For example, create systemd service for MWS:
ansible-playbook -i inventory sagenv-tools-service-product.yaml --extra-vars '{"inventory_groupnames":"mws","product_name":"mws","product_instance_name":"default","product_command":"create"}'
Then, update the systemd service with some extra configuration:
ansible-playbook -i inventory sagenv-tools-service-product.yaml --extra-vars '{"inventory_groupnames":"mws","product_name":"mws","product_instance_name":"default","product_command":"update"}'
Finally, start the systemd service:
ansible-playbook -i inventory sagenv-tools-service-product.yaml --extra-vars '{"inventory_groupnames":"mws","product_name":"mws","product_instance_name":"default","product_command":"start"}'