Whether you're interested in tracking public opinions about emerging trends, or understanding customer feedback on a product, SentimentIQ gives you the tools to analyze sentiment data efficiently and visually.
Using a combination of VADER Sentiment Analysis and the Reddit API (PRAW), SentimentIQ delivers an easy-to-use interface where users can search for subreddits, select post types, and instantly get a breakdown of the sentiment in the comments, displayed in an interactive pie chart.
Set-Up Instructions
- Clone the repository
- Install dependencies: Make sure you have Python installed, then run:
pip install -r requirements.txt
- Set up Reddit API credentials: Visit Reddit's developer portal and create a new application. Add your credentials (client ID, client secret, and user agent) to app.py
- Run the Flask app:
python app.py
- Access the app: Open your browser and navigate to http://localhost:8000. Log in to Reddit and start analyzing comments by entering a subreddit name.