This repository contains instructions on how to setup a simple IoT network based on the UPnP+.
Table of Contents
- Elixir 1.4.x installed ( or kiex)
- Erlang 19.x installed ( or kerl)
- Phoenix Framework installed (
- Elixir Nerves installed (
- Docker installed (
- PSI/PSI+ installed ( or
- Install eXpat development kit (packages exists for different platform, e.g. expat-ubuntu)
This is an instruction on how to setup UCS using MongooseIM XMPP server.
Run MongooseIM Docker container
docker run -d -t -h mongooseim-1 --name mongooseim-1 -p 5222:5222 \ -v `pwd`/mongooseim/config:/member mongooseim/mongooseim:rel-2.0
directory contains MongooseIM configuration (ejabberd.cfg) file. -
Check that the server is running
telnet localhost 5222
docker logs -f mongooseim-1
to see the server logs. Alternatively, start the container with-i
option. -
(optional) Connect two users to see that the service works
Install Psi XMPP client
Register two users in the server
docker exec -i -t mongooseim-1 /usr/lib/mongooseim/bin/mongooseimctl register user_1 localhost pass_1 docker exec -i -t mongooseim-1 /usr/lib/mongooseim/bin/mongooseimctl register user_2 localhost pass_2
Add an account for user_1 to PSI (General -> Account Setup -> Add)
- XMPP Address: user_1@localhost
- Password pass_1
Note: Do not register a new user with PSI. Use the account that you've registered above.
Change the user status to Online (Right Click on the user -> Status)
Perform the two previous steps for user_2
Make user_1 and user_2 friends
Add user_2 to user_1 contact list (Right Click on user_1 -> Add Contact)
- XMPP Address: user_2@localhost
Authorize the invitations on both sides
Send a chat message between the users
This is an instruction for running UCCD as Nerves/Elixir application on Raspberry Pi.
# fetch the dependencies
mix deps.get
# generate the ssh keys required to log in to the devices
# copy the host keys
mv priv apps/nerves_uccd/
# take a note of the generated in the CWD id_rsa and files
# that will be required at login into a device
- Get dependencies and compile
cd apps/nerves_uccd/
# if the MIX_TARGET is not set it defaults to "host""
mix do deps.get, compile
- Run
iex -S mix
After you have completed these steps you can go to the Connect to an XMPP server section and connect to the XMPP server.
- Get dependencies and compile
cd apps/nerves_uccd/
export MIX_TARGET=mim_iot_rpi
mix do deps.get, compile
- Build firmware for the board
mix firmware
# insert and SD card
mix firmware.burn
# insert the card into the Pi and start it - it will boot into the shell
- SSH-in
# go to the root directory of the project
cd ../..
# ssh into the device
ssh -p 2222 -i id_rsa $RPI_IP # if you have [zeroconf] then use raspberrypi.local
# the id_rsa file was generated in the Prepare ssh step
- Start Elixir shell
Connect to the XMPP server using of the accounts created in the Setup UPnP Cloud Server (UCS) section.
To see the presences "flying" enable the XML console in the PSI for the user account you're using to log in.
alias Romeo.Connection, as: Conn
alias Romeo.Stanza
# the host is the IP address the UCS is listening on
opts = [jid: "user_1@localhost", password: "pass_1", host: "localhost"]
{:ok,pid} = Conn.start_link opts
Conn.send pid, Romeo.Stanza.presence
flush() # it will reveal XMPP messages being received from the server
In the aforementioned console you should see the presence being broadcasted by the server on the behalf of the resource that you've just connected:
<presence from="user_1@localhost/9C8A435B9A7118081493384264818216" xml:lang="en" to="user_1@localhost/szm-mac"/>
See apps/uca_lib which a library supporting UPnP+ steps.
See apps/sample_app which is a sample app implementing UPnP Contorl Point with a UI.