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Building an Erlang/OTP application from scratch.


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Erlang Workshop

This in an Erlang Workshop by Lmabda Academy.

Table of Contents

0. Clone repository

$ git clone
$ cd erlang-workshop

1. Create project and 1st module

First create an Erlang application:

$ ./rebar3 new lib name="abacus" desc="Erlang Abacus"

rebar3 is an Erlang build tool. It has built in help: ./rebar3 help.

Move rebar3 into the abacus directory that was created. From now on, all the actions will be performed in that directory.

Edit the src/abacus.erl and create 4 functions for arithmetic operations:

  1. addition/2
  2. subtraction/2
  3. multiplication/2
  4. division/2.

Save the files, compile, and run an Erlang shell:

$ ./rebar3 compile
$ ./rebar3 shell
Erlang/OTP 19 [erts-8.1] [source] [64-bit] [smp:4:4] [async-threads:0] [hipe] [kernel-poll:false]

Eshell V8.1  (abort with ^G)
1> abacus:addition(2,3).

With rebar3 shell the recommended way to quit the Erlang shell is to either use init:stop(). or q() as Ctrl+C Ctrl+C breaks your OS shell formatting.

2. Create tests

If you haven't done previous step, start with git checkout 1-create-project-and-1st-module.

Create the test directory and add test/abacus_tests.erl starting with


EUnit is a Lightweight Unit Testing Framework for Erlang.

Write 4 unit tests for the abacus functions implemented in the first step:

add_test() ->
    ?assertEqual(2+3, abacus:addition(2,3)).
%% ...

Save and run the tests with rebar3:

$ ./rebar3 eunit
Finished in 0.026 seconds
4 tests, 0 failures

3. Perform code coverage analysis

If you haven't done previous step, start with git checkout 2-create-tests.

Edit rebar.config and enable cover:


Cover is a Coverage Analysis Tool for Erlang.

Run the eunit tests again to generate the coverage data. Then perform the analysis and open the report:

$ ./rebar3 do eunit, cover -v
Finished in 0.026 seconds
4 tests, 0 failures
  |                module  |  coverage  |
  |                abacus  |      100%  |
  |                 total  |      100%  |
$ open _build/test/cover/index.html

4. Add documentation

If you haven't done previous step, start with git checkout 3-perform-code-coverage-analysis.

Edit abacus.erl to add module and the API functions documentation in the EDoc format:

%% @author Szymon Mentel <[email protected]>
%% @doc This is the Abacus API module.
%% It provides basic mathematical operations:
%% <li>addition,</li>
%% <li>subtraction,</li>
%% <li>multiplication</li>,
%% <li>division</li>.

%% ...
%% @doc Adds two integers
%% This adds `X' to `Y'.
addition(X, Y) ->

Edoc is the Erlang documentation generator.

Save. Generate and open EDoc documentation.

$ ./rebar3 edoc

$ open doc/index.html

5. Create a server

If you haven't done the previous step, start with git checkout 4-add-documentation.

Add src/abacus_srv.erl. Implement abacus_srv:start/1 and abacus_srv:stop/1 API functions that will spawn and kill the abacus_srv process respectively.

start(Name) ->
    Pid = spawn(?MODULE, init, [Name]),
    register(?Module, Pid).
stop(Name) ->
    exit(whereis(Pid), shutdown).

Implement the addition/3, subtraction/3, multiplication/3, division/3 functions in the abacus_srv module that will send messages to the abacus_srv process which in turn will call corresponding functions from the abacus module and send the response back the the caller:

addition(Name, X, Y) ->
    Request = {addition, X, Y},
    send_request(Name, Request).
send_request(Name, Request) ->
    Name ! {abacus_request, self(), Request},
        {abacus_resopnse, {ok, Result}} ->
        {abacus_resopnse, {error, _} = Error} ->
    after 5000 ->
            {error, timeout}

Save, compile and test the server:

./rebar3 shell
1> abacus_srv:start(a1).
2> abacus_srv:addition(a1,10,3).
3> abacus_srv:division(a1,10,3).
4> whereis(a1).
5> abacus_srv:stop(a1).
6> whereis(a1).

6. Add asynchronous interface

If you haven't done the previous step, start with git checkout 5-create-a-server.

Add asynchronous version of the abacus functions to the src/abacus_srv.erl (async_addition/1, ...) and an API for retrieving the results of asynchronous calls: abacus_srv:result_by_reference/1. The asynchronous functions are expected to return references (see make_ref/1) which are to be used to get the results:

async_addition(Name, X, Y) ->
    Request = {addition, X, Y},
    send_async_request(Name, Request).
send_async_request(Name, Request) ->
    Ref = make_ref(),
    Name ! {abacus_async_request, Ref, Request},

result_by_reference(Name, Ref) ->
    Request = {result_by_reference, Ref},
    send_request(Name, Request).

The server's process needs to store the results of asynchronous requests in its state. Extend the loop/0 and response/1 functions to handle the asynchronous requests and retrieving the results respectively:

loop(State) ->
        {abacus_async_request, Ref, Request} ->
            Response = response(Request, State),
            NewState = store_response(Ref, Response, State),

response({division, X, Y}, _State) ->
    abacus:division(X, Y);
response({result_by_reference, Ref}, State) ->
    retrieve_response(Ref, State).

Save, compile and test the server:

./rebar3 shell
1> abacus_srv:start(a).
2> Ref1=abacus_srv:async_addition(a,13,2).
3> Ref2=abacus_srv:async_subtraction(a,13,2).
4> abacus_srv:result_by_reference(a,Ref1).
5> abacus_srv:result_by_reference(a,Ref2).
6> abacus_srv:result_by_reference(a,make_ref()).

7. Make it gen_server

If you haven't done the previous step, start with git checkout 6-add-asynchronous-interface.

Copy the abacus_srv.erl into abacus_gen_srv.erl. Make it gen_server behaviour (check what behaviour is) :

%% @author Szymon Mentel <[email protected]>
%% @doc This is the Abacus Server.

Change the life-cycle API to use respective gen_server functions and change the init/1 to match the specification. Also add the terminate/2 according to the specification.

start(Name) ->
    ServerName = {local, Name},
    CallbackModule = ?MODULE,
    InitArgs = [],
    Opts = [],
    gen_server:start(ServerName, CallbackModule, InitArgs, Opts).

stop(Name) ->

init(_) ->
    {ok, #{}}.

terminate(_Reason, _State) ->

Change the synchronous API to use appropriate gen_server API and implement corresponding callback functions:

addition(Name, X, Y) ->
    Request = {addition, X, Y},
    gen_server:call(Name, Request).

handle_call(Request, _From, State) ->
    Response = response(Request, State),
    {reply, {ok, Response}, State}.

Change the asynchronous API to use appropriate gen_server API and implement corresponding callback functions:

async_addition(Name, X, Y) ->
    Request = {addition, X, Y},
    Ref = make_ref(),
    gen_server:cast(Name, {Ref, Request}),
    {ok, Ref}.

handle_cast({Ref, Request}, State) ->
    Response = response(Request, State),
    NewState = store_response(Ref, Response, State),
    {noreply, NewState}.

Don't forget to export the gen_server callback functions:

%% gen_server callbacks

Save, compile and test the server:

./rebar3 shell
1> abacus_gen_srv:start(a).
2> abacus_gen_srv:multiplication(a,12,3).
3> {ok,Ref}=abacus_gen_srv:async_division(a,12,3).
4> abacus_gen_srv:result_by_reference(a,Ref).
5> abacus_gen_srv:stop(a).

8. Supervise

If you haven't done the previous step, start with git checkout 7-make-it-gen_server.

Add abacus_sup.erl module that will implement the supervisor behaviour:


Implement the supervisor start_link/0 function that will start the supervisor:

start_link(AbacusName) ->
    SupervisorName = {local, ?MODULE},
    CallbackModule = ?MODULE,
    InitArgs = [AbacusName],
    supervisor:start_link(SupervisorName, CallbackModule, InitArgs).

Implement the init/1 callback function that configures the supervisor itself and starts its children:

init([AbacusName]) ->
    SupFlags = #{intensity => 5, %% max 5 restarts
                 period => 10, %% in 10 seconds
                 strategy => one_for_one},
    AbacusStart = {abacus_gen_srv, start_link, [AbacusName]}, %% MFA
    Child = #{id => abacus_gen_srv,
              start => AbacusStart,
              restart => permanent,
              shutdown => 1000,
              type => worker,
              modules => [abacus_gen_srv]},
    Children = [Child],
    {ok, {SupFlags, Children}}.

As the supervisor requires that its children link back to it, change the abacus_gen_srv:start/1 to abacus_gen_srv:start_link/1 and adjust the call to gen_server:

start_link(Name) ->
    ServerName = {local, Name},
    CallbackModule = ?MODULE,
    InitArgs = [],
    Opts = [],
    gen_server:start_link(ServerName, CallbackModule, InitArgs, Opts).

Save, compile and test the supervisor:

$ ./rebar3 shell
6> abacus_sup:start_link(server1).
7> abacus_gen_srv:addition(server1,9,10).
8> whereis(server1).
9> supervisor:which_children(abacus_sup).
10> abacus_gen_srv:stop(server1).
11> whereis(server1).
<0.116.0> %% note the different pid
12> exit(whereis(server1), kill).
13> whereis(server1).
<0.119.0> %% note the different pid

9. Package as application

If you haven't done the previous step, start with git checkout 8-supervise.

Add the abacus_app.erl: the callback module for application behaviour. Implement the abacus_app:start/2 which will start the application's top-level supervisor and an "empty" abacus_sup:stop/1 function:


%% Life-cycle API

start(_Type, _Args) ->

stop(_) ->

Modify the (Application Resource File) so that the application is properly started:

{application, abacus,
 [{description, "Erlang Abacus"},
  {vsn, "0.1.0"},
  {registered, []},
  {modules, []},
  {mod, {abacus_app, []}}, %% <- the missing line
  {maintainers, []},
  {licenses, []},
  {links, []}

Instead of hard-coding the abacus server name as server1, pass it through the application environment variables using application:get_env/3:

-define(DEFAULT_ABACUS_NAME, server1).

start(_Type, _Args) ->
    Application = abacus,
    Key = server_name,
    ServerName = application:get_env(Application, Key, ?DEFAULT_ABACUS_NAME),

Finally add the config/abacus.config file with the following content:

  [{server_name, abs}]

Save, compile and test the application:

./rebar3 shell --config config/abacus.config
1> application:ensure_all_started(abacus).
2> whereis(abs).
3> abacus_gen_srv:division(abs, 12, 5).
4> application:stop(abacus).
5> whereis(abs).

Start the application once again (as described above) and run Observer:


In Observer navigate to Applications -> abacus. This will show the supervision tree of the abacus application.

10. Add external dependency

If you haven't done the previous step, start with git checkout 9-package-as-application.

Modify the rebar.config file and add lager dependency that will be used for logging:

{erl_opts, [debug_info, {parse_transform, lager_transform}]}.
{deps, [
        {lager, "~> 3.2"}

The {parse_transform, lager_transform} is the compiler option needed by lager.

Modify the file so that the lager application is started before abacus:


Add some logging to your code-base:

init(_) ->
    {registered_name, Name} = erlang:process_info(self(),
    lager:info("Started abacus_gen_srv: ~p", [Name]),
    {ok, #{}}.

handle_call(Request, _From, State) ->
    lager:debug("Handling sync request: ~p", [Request]),
    Response = response(Request, State),
    {reply, {ok, Response}, State}.

Configure lager handler along with the log levels in the config/abacus.config file:

 {abacus, [
           {server_name, abs}
 {lager, [
          {handlers, [
                      {lager_console_backend, info},
                      {lager_file_backend, [{file, "log/debug.log"}, {level, debug}]}

Save, compile and test the application as in the previous step.

11. Release

If you haven't done the previous step, start with git checkout 10-add-external-dependency.

Add the following relx section in the rebar.config:

{relx, [
        {release, {abacus, "0.1.0"}, [abacus]},
        {include_erts, true}

Save. Build the release and start it:

./rebar3 release
===> release successfully created!
17:25:24.648 [info] Application lager started on node 'abacus@szm-mac'
17:25:24.652 [info] Started abacus_gen_srv: abs
17:25:24.652 [info] Application abacus started on node 'abacus@szm-mac'
Eshell V8.1  (abort with ^G)
(abacus@szm-mac)1> application:which_applications().
[{abacus,"Erlang Abacus","0.1.0"},
 {lager,"Erlang logging framework","3.2.1"},
 {goldrush,"Erlang event stream processor","0.1.8"},
 {compiler,"ERTS  CXC 138 10","7.0.2"},
 {syntax_tools,"Syntax tools","2.1"},
 {stdlib,"ERTS  CXC 138 10","3.1"},
 {kernel,"ERTS  CXC 138 10","5.1"}]
(abacus@szm-mac)2> abacus_gen_srv:multiplication(abs, 13, 4).


Building an Erlang/OTP application from scratch.







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