- 8ff1fc2 331 nftgo minting token (#362)
- 45c3b56 Simple canary job on GH actions (#360)
- 2ef18ad add letsencrypt to hub (#356)
- 4cd07a8 New ProofOfScience contract (#361)
- b4a342a Promote new compute node (#349)
- d4c6655 make sapling animate optional (#354)
- 3bf0dfe Update provide-compute.sh (#347)
- 313d281 Ansible for Plex compute node (#348)
- 9535dad Jupyter user pip packages (#344)
- ef49585 add generate io json helper function (#335)
- 1f02fcd Add amazon.aws ansible galaxy collection to requirements. (#343)
- e95b721 NFT metadata built from completed io.json and tool config (#334)
- 2c528e5 Python notebook example (#342)
- 76d8706 Jupyter instance Ansible and Terraform configuration (#329)
- 172d774 Hardhat project lives in plex now (#339)