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Python wrapper for RISC Zero prover

many military tanks rolling in parallel on the desert

When people talk about accelerating zero-knowledge proofs, there are usually two approaches:

  • hardware acceleration
  • distributed computation

After years of exploration, many in the industry (including Supranational, Ingonyama) would agree that Nvidia GPU and Apple Metal GPU seems to be doing pretty well for hardware acceleration. FPGA and ASIC are still too early to compete, and evidence in chip design suggests that FPGA/ASIC are unlikely to beat GPU eventually—any idea that can challenge this assertion is most welcomed. In fact, Omer Shlomovits from Ingonyama and I have a bounty for breakthrough ideas in hardware acceleration.

This leaves distributed computing.

The idea is that, if we have a zero-knowledge proof task, we want to distribute it to multiple machines and then aggregate their work together. This would require a zero-knowledge proof system that is distributed-computation-friendly.

  • the different machines involving in the process are laconic and taciturn, i.e., they have minimalistic communication between each other.
  • the individual proof work can be merged in an efficient way without severely sacrificing the overall proof generation time

This idea has, however, been systematically studied.

  • zkBridge (ACM CCS 2022), which leads to our portfolio company Polyhedra, discovers that an algebraic holographic proof protocol, Goldwasser-Kalai-Rothblum (GKR), can be made distributed-computation-friendly by having each machine handle part of the multilinear extensions.
    • However, committing the input polynomials (through FRI) still has to be done in a federated manner, which is only suitable for circuits with small inputs.
  • Pianist (IEEE S&P 2024) shows that, by using bivariate KZG commitment, one can make polynomial commitment distributed-computation-friendly, coupled with Plonk (or its variants), which are distributed-computation-friendly, one can create fully distributed-computation-friendly proof systems.
    • However, it requires homomorphic polynomial commitments, for which KZG is but not FRI. But KZG is usually slower.
  • all SNARK protocols can be made distributed-computation-friendly through recursive composition. This would incur additional overhead and latency in composing proofs together, but it is a very general approach that applies to, technically, any SNARK.

RISC Zero takes the third approach. The problem with the first two approaches is the same—not working well with FRI, which still has a prevailing advantage in terms of performance, and the benefit declines if subsequent recursive composition is not avoidable. For RISC Zero, it is desirable, for Bonsai, to merge proofs from different transactions to lower the on-chain verification costs, which means that all proofs would eventually go through recursion, which discourages KZG-based approach.

The third approach reduces the entire acceleration task into a simple step: coordinate enough machines to work together. Tools for this purpose have been extensively studied in machine learning, and we here focus on the Dask framework.

We have experimented with the Ray, but the fact that it uses fork() appears to require a lot of care when handling with the CUDA connections.

Background in Dask, a distributed computing framework

Dask is another distributed computing framework with wide adoption. It can be done in a similar manner.

import l2_r0prover
from dask.distributed import Client, LocalCluster

if __name__ == '__main__':
  cluster = LocalCluster()
  client = Client(cluster)
  elf_handle = open("elf", mode="rb")
  elf =
  image = l2_r0prover.load_image_from_elf(elf)
  input = bytes([33, 0, 0, 0, ...]) # omit the detail input
  segments, info = l2_r0prover.execute_with_input(image, input)
  # distribute the task using `client.submit(func, args)`
  future_1 = client.submit(l2_r0prover.prove_segment, segments[0])
  future_2 = client.submit(l2_r0prover.prove_segment, segments[1])
  # obtain the results using `future.result()`
  receipt_1 = future_1.result()
  receipt_2 = future_2.result()

Supported versions

Currently, the library is compiled with CUDA 12.3. There is a risk that it would not work with other versions of CUDA and would require compilation from the source.


As mentioned in pyproject.toml, this Python module, listed on PyPI, is under MIT and Apache 2 licenses.


Python bindings for RISC0 prover






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