released this
03 Jul 08:29
10 commits
to refs/heads/release-2.16
since this release
2.16.0-rc1 (2023-07-03)
Api Gateway
- #17714 Update api gateway to 1.7.1 (@barchw)
- #17721 Bump api-gateway image to 1.6.1 (@werdes72)
- #17707 Bump gce-proxy to 1.33.8 (@werdes72)
- #17621 Remove api-gateway tests (@werdes72)
- #17620 Add a warning about the Ory stack deprecation (@nataliasitko)
Application Connector
- #17764 Remove PR images from Application Connector resources (@mvshao)
- #17697 App conn dependabot bumps 20.06.2023 (@Disper)
- #17661 Refine application-connector and compass-runtime-agent charts (@m00g3n)
- #17684 App-conn area dependabot images bumps (@Disper)
- #17634 updates golang-runtime images in application connector components to … (@Disper)
- #17668 Omit Dev Dependencies in nodejs runtimes (@kwiatekus)
- #17785 remove PR images in eventing (@friedrichwilken)
- #17768 Bump golang in eventing (@friedrichwilken)
- #17773 Ignore results of tracing tests in Eventing fast-integration tests (@mfaizanse)
- #17762 bump eventing images for rel 2.16 (@friedrichwilken)
- #17696 update nats-server to 2.9.18 (@k15r)
- #17682 Update Eventing deps (@marcobebway)
- #17632 Update the APIRule config (@marcobebway)
- #17638 Bump dependencies (@grischperl)
- #17593 rename to eventmesh in epp (@friedrichwilken)
- #17598 Add Eventing auth manager feature flag (@marcobebway)
- #17603 Upgrade eventing-webhook-certificates image (@grischperl)
- #17571 Rename beb to eventmesh in ec (@friedrichwilken)
Service Mesh
- #17766 Bump k8s-sidecar image to Python 3.11.4 (@chrkl)
- #17759 update to node-exporter 1.6.0 (@dennis-ge)
- #17629 update images with newer golang and alpine version, otel-collector 0.79.0 (@a-thaler)
- #17783 Update telemetry-operator to limit Fluent Bit retries (@chrkl)
- #17691 Removable logging component for fast integration test (@hisarbalik)
- #17658 update fluentbit to 2.1.4 (@a-thaler)
- #17629 update images with newer golang and alpine version, otel-collector 0.79.0 (@a-thaler)
- #17633 Move loki logpipeline to telemetry module (@shorim)
- #17631 Make excluded Fluent Bit container more specific (@chrkl)
- #17624 Bump telemetry-operator to exclude Fluent Bit from log collection (@chrkl)
- #17777 Update telemetry-operator to exclude pending pipelines from config (@chrkl)
- #17743 Update TracePipeline limits in docs (@chrkl)
- #17728 Remove overriding telemetry-trace-collector resources (@chrkl)
- #17727 update telemetry manager clusterrole to include replicasets (@dennis-ge)
- #17724 Support multiple TracePipelines (@chrkl)
- #17719 add networkpolicy to rbac role, fix webhook clusterrole (@dennis-ge)
- #17658 update fluentbit to 2.1.4 (@a-thaler)
- #17645 update directory-size-exporter to golang 1.20.5 (@a-thaler)
- #17629 update images with newer golang and alpine version, otel-collector 0.79.0 (@a-thaler)
- #17633 Move loki logpipeline to telemetry module (@shorim)
- #17631 Make excluded Fluent Bit container more specific (@chrkl)
- #17624 Bump telemetry-operator to exclude Fluent Bit from log collection (@chrkl)
- #17454 Add information on modular Kyma (@IwonaLanger)
- #17715 Add module installation steps to Quick Install (@mmitoraj)
- #17703 remove git repository CR description (@anoipm)
Committers: 31
- Andreas Thaler (@a-thaler)
- Andrzej Pankowski (@Cortey)
- Bartosz Chwila (@barchw)
- Carina Kothe (@grischperl)
- Christoph Kleineweber (@chrkl)
- Damian Badura (@dbadura)
- Dennis Geiselmann (@dennis-ge)
- Filip Strózik (@pPrecel)
- Friedrich (@friedrichwilken)
- Grzegorz Karaluch (@grego952)
- Hisar Balik (@hisarbalik)
- Iwona Langer (@IwonaLanger)
- Korbinian Stoemmer (@k15r)
- Krzysztof Kwiatosz (@kwiatekus)
- Marcin Dobrochowski (@anoipm)
- Marcin Szwed (@szwedm)
- Marco Bebway (@marcobebway)
- Marek Michali (@MarekMichali)
- Mateusz Wisniewski (@mrCherry97)
- Małgorzata Świeca (@mmitoraj)
- Michał 'Disper' Drzewiecki (@Disper)
- Mostafa Shorim (@shorim)
- Muhammad Faizan (@mfaizanse)
- Natalia Sitko (@nataliasitko)
- Patryk Strugacz (@werdes72)
- Piotr Halama (@halamix2)
- Piotr Miśkiewicz (@piotrmiskiewicz)
- Rafal Foks (@mvshao)
- Vladimir Videlov (@videlov)
- Wojciech Sołtys (@Sawthis)
- marcin witalis (@m00g3n)