// need node.js up to 15.12.0)
1. yarn
// then, hosting on localhost:3000
2. yarn start
- This application is hosting on https://d2rw.kro.kr/
- Made with React.js(https://ko.reactjs.org/)
- UI powered by material-ui(https://mui.com/)
- Raw datas from 나무위키(https://namu.wiki/)
- csv to json converter(https://csvjson.com/csv2json)
- Https certification powered by letsEncrypt(https://letsencrypt.org/ko/)
- Hosting on AWS EC2 instance(https://aws.amazon.com/ko/)
- Launching by nginx(https://www.nginx.com/)
- Domain powered by 내도메인.한국(https://내도메인.한국/)