The main goal of this work, is to create a react native client, using expo-secure-store
There will be only one user, as we haven't work on multiuser systems, even so, I've tried to do, but failed, that's the actuall reason behind that.
(If there's no token)
(If there's a token registered)
First time app is executed this screen will show, login works for those users that already has an account, they will have to insert their token into the input, if valid, they will go to Home screen
In case a user doesn't have an account they can register using this screen, if the user they select is invalid, a message will pop up 2 sec and then disappear
Once a user is logged correctly, this screen will be showed, here the user can see its main resources as well as logout, from here the user can go to the rest of the screens
On this screen the user can see the available loans, and take out one in case of haven't done it one already
This screen lists the OE system available ships, each one of them shows its type, speed, weapons and cargo