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Kussin | OXID 6 FACT Finder Export Queue

Kussin | OXID 6 FACT Finder Export Queue provides real-time CSV Exports for FACT Finder NG. And since 08/2023 it also supports Sooqr and Doofinder.

The following configuration options are available:

TODO: Will follow soon


  1. OXID eSales CE/PE/EE v6.2.5 or newer
  2. PHP 7.4 or newer
  3. FACT Finder NG v3.1.149 or newer

Installation Guide

Initial Installation

TODO: Will follow soon


Step 1: Database

  1. Log into your OXID eShop database interface (e.g. phpMyAdmin)
  2. Select OXID eShop database
  3. Execute the following SQL file: modules/wmdk/wmdkffexportqueue/sql/install.sql
  4. Refresh OXID eShop database views
  5. Clear OXID eShop eShop cache

Step 2: Module

To install the module, please execute the following commands in OXID eShop root directory:

composer config repositories.kussin_ffqueue vcs
composer require wmdk/wmdkffexportqueue --no-update
composer clearcache
composer update --no-interaction
vendor/bin/oe-console oe:module:install-configuration source/modules/wmdk/wmdkffexportqueue/
vendor/bin/oe-console oe:module:apply-configuration

NOTE: If you are using VCS like GIT for your project, you should add the following path to your .gitignore file: /source/modules/wmdk/

Step 3: Export Directories

  1. Connect to your OXID eShop server via SSH or FTP
  2. Upload the directory export/ to /path/to/oxid/source/.
  3. Set the permissions to 755 for the directory /path/to/oxid/source/export/

Step 4: Cronjob

TODO: Will follow soon

User Guide

User Guide

Bugtracker and Feature Requests

Please use the Github Issues for bug reports and feature requests.


Kussin | eCommerce und Online-Marketing GmbH
Fahltskamp 3
25462 Rellingen

Fon: +49 (4101) 85868 - 0
Email: [email protected]


End-User Software License Agreement


© 2006-2023 Kussin | eCommerce und Online-Marketing GmbH